2: (S)econd Meeting

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So you went straight to your new apartment.

It was freaking Monday, and you're just starting to regret having drinks the night before. 

That one night stand though was kinda different, you enjoyed it too much to totally forget about it but it was not time to think about those.

Pushing aside unnecessary thoughts, you cleaned yourself up and went straight to your new college.


The aroma of incense enveloped the dean's office, the middle aged man with round glasses talked you through the school policies and all after handing your schedule for the whole semester.

Block sectioning. Great. You thought to yourself, you'd have to deal with the same people for the whole year and you don't know whether you should be glad about that or not.

Park Jimin, the school body president accompanied you to the first class on your schedule list. The guy was cute which kinda reminds you of mochi but thinking about the food only made you hungry so you just focused on what he was saying as you made your way down the already empty halls.

"...lots of handsome guys here, but the majority are assholes, so better watch who you're getting close to," he warned.

"Oh, thanks for the heads up," you replied smiling.

"Well, here we are. Just wait there a bit," Jimin said as he entered the room and talked to the professor, you saw the older guy nodded and Jimin left.

"Okay ,you can go in now," the mochi guy smiled which made his eyes looked like they were closed but aren't, it was cute anyways so who cares.

"Okay ,you can go in now," the mochi guy smiled which made his eyes looked like they were closed but aren't, it was cute anyways so who cares

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You bowed to Jimin as you thank him, the professor gestured you to come in the room and you did.

"We have a new transfer student, please welcome her," the professor introduced.

"Hi, I'm Y/F/N," you said and bowed.

"Please sit beside Jungkook," the prof said pointing on the only empty seat at the second to the last row of chairs, nearest to the windows.

But before you could even take a step forward your body froze while you saw the Jungkook guy that the professor was referring to.

But before you could even take a step forward your body froze while you saw the Jungkook guy that the professor was referring to

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