8: (Y)ellow Flowers

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You hissed his name but he just continued to walk straight and out of the library.

Jungkook turned and walked away from you, he smiled a bit knowing that you're going to be really pissed at him. He was planning on buying new lingerie set for you on the near by store and immediately get back since he already knew that you won't move a muscle in there. But his head was suddenly spinning, and he couldn't even hear you calling him since all that was on his head at the moment was this sharp ringing sound that kept getting louder and louder by the second, he rushed out of the library and into the boy's bathroom.

Stumbling his way in the empty restroom, he rested his palms on the sink counter to keep his balance as he reached for his phone on his pocket and dialed.

"Hyung--," he said breathy.

"Jungkook?-- Jungkook? Are you alright? Where are you?"



"Damn you," you cursed under your breath. You waited for him but he didn't came back so you took matters to your own hands and went straight home taking the taxi while cursing at Jungkook non-stop in your mind.

You kept checking on your phone but no calls or even text messages from your boyfriend, you scoffed throwing your phone on the mattress beside you. Of course you're not going to call him, it has to be him who should call first.

Biting on your lip, you stared on your cellphone beside you, then turned to the clock plastered on the wall.


What is wrong with him?

You grabbed your phone and dialed Jungkook's number.

The other line kept on ringing, but you were so ready to scream on him on the phone so you didn't stop calling until on your fourth try he finally answered.

"Do you think it's funny leaving me there without any undies on?" You screamed over the phone. "And what took you so f*cking long to answer your phone?"

"Hello?" You stopped, the voice on the other line was not of your boyfriend's.

"Hello? Who's this?" You asked.

"I'm Jungkook's friend," the guy with a low voice answered, "he's...uhm...in the hospital right now."

"Hyung!" You heard Jungkook's voice not far, he sounded weak.

"Where exactly?" You asked standing up to get your coat and bag.


You could smell the aroma of yellow irises flower enveloping the room which you assumed this Taehyung guy had brought for Jungkook, the flowers' scent helped ease the headache causing-strong medicine like odour of the hospital which you were actually glad about.

You could smell the aroma of yellow irises flower enveloping the room which you assumed this Taehyung guy had brought for Jungkook, the flowers' scent helped ease the headache causing-strong medicine like odour of the hospital which you were actua...

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