9: (L)ove

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Leaning on the door's threshold, you arched your brows and repeated yourself, "Boys? Tell me about what?"

There was a long pause.

"That we'll have a date on Sunday," Jungkook said smiling widely.

"Tsk, you haven't even told me what happened to you yet," you said entering the room and placing the bags of food you bought on the table.

"I just felt a little bit dizzy, maybe because of the weather?" He said looking closely at Taehyung. "No worries, I'll be dismiss tomorrow, right hyung?"

"Huh?" Taehyung was caught off guard. The doctor told him that Jungkook need to stay longer since they needed to do some further examinations on him.

"Rigggght, Hyung?"

The guy chuckled halfheartedly and just nodded.

So there you were head on the side of his bed while sitting half of your body on the chair, it's a bit uncomfy but you were trying your best to get some sleep since you still have to attend  school tomorrow.

Jungkook caressed your hair softly as if you were some kind of fragile thing. His delicate touch made your eyelids get heavy-- you tilted a bit to find a better position.

"Babe," Jungkook's soft voice rang on your ear.

"Mmh?" You hummed sleepily.

"You can lay with me on the bed, we can cuddle," he offered, seeing how uncomfortable you were. "Come here."

Jungkook moved to the side slightly, giving enough space for your slim frame, you crawled your way beside him, eyes half closed as  you let your head rest on his arms.

It felt warm and cozy under the blanket as he hugged your small figure strongly, he placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head and inhaled the sweet scent of your shampoo while you settled yourself on his chest letting his familiar aroma set you to sleep.


"Time to wake up love birds," Taehyung said purposely banging the door behind him.

You groaned as you look up to see Jungkook's face only inches from yours, he smiled and you wondered how he could look way too handsome for someone who is sick and just woken up.

"Morning my princess," he said as he pecked on your lips which made you smile immediately.

"Hello? I'm here," Taehyung said, waving his hands on the air, "Y/N, you still have classes to attend to."

"Oh! Shit!" You exclaimed and you stood up and kissed Jungkook on the lips as you get your bags. "Need to go."

"Okay, see you tomorrow on our date," your boyfriend winked with a taunting smile on his face, "I'll text you the address."

You waved at the both of them and rushed to the university.


"Please Hyung, just one day," Jungkook pleaded.

"You are crazy Jungkook," Taehyung answered fast, the younger one was asking him to sneak him out of the hospital the next day so he could go on a date with you.

"I already promised her, I can't let her down. I know you can pull this off, please."

They've been going off about this for more than an hour now and he knew that Jungkook wouldn't let him rest if he won't agree to the guy, so Taehyung bit hard on his lips, cursing deep inside and asking why it has to be his best friend who had to suffer these kind of consequences. He deserves to be happy, like the way he always make people smile when they're around him.

✔ SENSUAL ENCOUNTER: JJKWhere stories live. Discover now