3: (E)xasperated / (E)ndeared

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Entering the room, you let out a loud irritated sigh as you saw Jungkook shamelessly flirting with this one girl in your class, not that you cared or anything but it's just annoying seeing her hand patting Jungkook's thigh, like --girl I've already rode that how dare you touch that thigh?!!!

But you're NOT jealous, really.

Being in the campus for some time now, you've heard about Jungkook a lot. You've been told that he was known for being a playboy, that he could get into any girl's pants in no time, and even though it was already known that he'd already slept with a lot of girls already, the girls in your campus still wants to flirt with him, and to get him in between their thighs for some unknown reasons.

Over the span of two months, you've already had sex with him for countless of times - inside the girl's bathroom; inside the boy's bathroom, by the piano on the music room; inside one of the utility rooms, and many other places you couldn't remember anymore.

You're not dating anyways, he has the freedom to do what he wants, to flirt with other girls or even have sex with them. So you just shifted your hips a bit making sure to hit that girl's protruding butt as she leaned her arms on Jungkook's desk, making sure he'd get a good view of her cleavage.

"Excuse me, you're blocking the way," you said sharply.

She almost hit her face on the table, so she stood up straight to face you.

"What is your problem bitch?!" She screamed right to your face.

"You were blocking the way with your f*cking butt," you replied, eyes staring lifelessly on hers. "Look, if you want to flirt, try doing it elsewhere, people are trying to study here."

"Guys--," Jungkook stood up from his seat.

"Slut," you spat out.

"What??!" The girl bellowed and slapped you right on the face so hard you tasted blood on your lips seconds later.

You stared at Jungkook, waiting for him to make a move, or to at least say something or do something but he just froze there instead.

"Did I miss something?" The professor ask as he entered the classroom, every body went back to their seats as if nothing had happened, including you. Your cheeks were still burning and your lips were still bleeding, you kept your head down and tried to push back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Jungkook whispered, "you should have kept your nerves down, look what happened." He continued.

You were seriously annoyed by the things he was saying, he's making it sounds like it was your fault that you got slapped.

Okay, maybe it is, but not entirely, plus, you were just stating the truth, she really was obstructing the way.

"Were you jealous?"

And that was it, your legs automatically stretched as you stood up abruptly making the people in the room dart their eyes on you.

"Can I go to the clinic Sir, I'm not feeling well," you said, still face down.

"Oh, sure Y/N," the professor replied.


The nurse attended to your bruise, she let you rest for a while inside the clinic saying that she'll be back in a few.

Moments later, you heard the door opening and closing and when you look to find out who it was, you were greeted by Jimin's cute smile.

"Hey, are you feeling alright now?"

✔ SENSUAL ENCOUNTER: JJKWhere stories live. Discover now