12: (E)mbrace

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Who cried on the previous chapter? Raise your hand! 😂 🙌

Just kidding, I love you guys, and I felt bad for making you guys sad on Chapter 11, thus here's my peace offering, so don't hate me okay? 😘


Encircling your body with your own arms, you cried to yourself as you stood in front of the mirror, water splashing on the marbled sink in time with your rushing tears that already made their way down your chin.

"Y/N? Are you in here?" Taehyung knocked on the door of the girl's restroom.

You slowly opened the door to reveal your broken frame in front of Taehyung, and the guy couldn't helped himself but to hug you on his arms.

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through all these," Taehyung said, he wanted to cry too, but he made himself not to, he needed to be strong for you and Jungkook.

"Let's get back there okay?"

You just nodded, wiping your eyes from the wetness caused by your tears as you both went back to Jungkook.

He was sleeping when you both entered his room, Taehyung said that he'll just buy some food and will be right back. So you sat on the chair next to Jungkook's bed and laid your head on his side trying to get some sleep, you purposely placed your hand against his own just so you could feel his skin on yours.

Glad that this time around he could see clearly, Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to see your sleeping frame beside him, hand rested on his while you sniffled on your sleep. He could make out a single tear that ran from your closed lids down to the bridge of your nose, and it broke him inside seeing you cry yourself to sleep,-- his heart ached at the sight of you so sorrowful because of him. You suddenly looked skinnier and paler than the last time he took his time to look at you, and he hated himself knowing that he was the reason behind all of these. His eyes soon landed on your touching hands making him bit his lower lip as he saw the taint of red on your index finger, memories of the scattered glass awhile ago that was cleaned up by the cleaning lady had flashed before him, he delicately brushed his thumb on your finger trying to ease the pain that you might be feeling due to the cut.

You felt his soft touch on yours making you leisurely open your eyes, you immediately sat up so you could see his face.

"Hey," you greeted sweetly.

Jungkook didn't say a word and just reached for your eyes as he gently wiped the tears on them. He slowly pulled your face and you knew exactly what to do, you let him guide you down to meet his lips with yours. Closing your eyes, you emptied your head and just let his passionate kisses took you away from reality, you rested your palm on his chest while you clenched on his clothing feeling the goosebumps spreading throughout your whole body, seconds later you both withdrew from the kiss panting for air.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"You didn't do anything wrong Jungkook," you replied.

He just smiled softly, "Lay beside me?" He requested.

"Only if you'll eat later when Tae gets back," you said.

He chuckled while he shifted sideways, "yes, ma'am."

You let him embrace your small frame with his strong arms while you looked up on him.

"How's your leg?" You asked.

"A bit better I think," he replied, "I can feel my toes from time to time now."

"That's great, that is why you should eat more, so you could have more strength."

✔ SENSUAL ENCOUNTER: JJKWhere stories live. Discover now