chapter 7 - dangers

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Bones POV -   as we entered the hall of a possible suspect I started to have an odd feeling but I ignored it. " OK bones be carful OK ? this guy could be dangerous so just- ".   " I got my gun !! " and I pulled it out.  " oh god bones just keep it under control and try not to shoot me .. got it ? ".   " don't worry booth I got it "   we got to the door and booth knocked and he said "FBI anyone home ??!! ".   there was no answer so booth kicked open the door and we carfuly walked in. I heard booth call out all clear. and then I  noticed a blank corner in the back of the living room. I pulled on some rubber gloves and pulled out my blue light and checked the corner for any blood .. yep there was blood all up the back corner coming close to the ceiling and some splatters on the floor.  " booth there's blood " I called hodgins to grab his things and come to collect any evidence. I still had that funny feeling then I smelled something off.  " hey booth can you come out here ? "  when he came I asked him to help me push the couch and he looked at me like I was crazy. when I started to push the couch then I smelled something and I fell to the ground coughing and throwing up. " bones !! " I felt booth holding my side trying to help me and he called 911 I heard him say " bones your gona be OK just let me take you to the hall OK ? " and I shook my head saying yes then the paramedics came and booth ran with the bed that I was tightly strapped on and he said " bones I'm gona be with you the whole time OK baby ?  just stay calm bones "  it was all a blur to me when I woke up booth was laying by my pillow half asleep and I whispered " booth ? ". and he emediatly looked up at me and he smiled and said that I was going to be OK and he gave me a sweet kiss on my for head and that's when the doctor came in.

" hey you two .. OK well it looks like she's gona be perfectly fine you just reacted to somthing in the air probably just some really bad dust but what we really are gona do is give you an ultrasound ".   me and booth looked at each other and we held hands as the doctor gave me an ultrasound and she said yep I knew it and we said what ?? and she said .." you have a baby " ..  and me and booth looked at each other and booth smiled at me and I smiled back and he had tears in his eyes and we both kissed and then booth helped me get home and we were both so happy we hugged each other with happy tears in our eyes.

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