chapter 11 - A mystery in a mystery

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Bones POV -  i decided to go and see how cam was doing with jason's body since hodgins was cleaning the bones i wanted to see if cam had found anything interesting in the muscle and tissue contents.  

" hey cam how is everything ? "       " well i found somthing pretty odd ... when i got the x ray results and the 3D imaging from angela , i saw an annomaly in the right pelvis and here is what i found .. "        " a tip of a needle ? " i said     " yes  Dr. Hodgins examinded more carfuly and found high level traces of benzoylmethyl econine"  cam said        " cocaine ? " yes and i did find some traces of liquore in the stomach contents so maby we arn't looking at a drowning .. somone  poisened him".   " ok cam thanks "      as i walked out booth came in with some information about the case.           " hey bones we have some more information on the case "     " ok fill me in "      " well booth wants me to meet him at the diner so ill see you in a little while "    "ok see you " 

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