Chapter 15 - almost a year ahead ..

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Bones POV   Ugh i feel so heavy and definatly not my shape as before .. i had obviously gained weight beacuse of the baby and booth knew that i did not feel confident in my looks as of now but every morning he woke me up with a kiss and told me i looked beautiful.     im just about 2 weeks away from the date and booth is going crazy over me .. i think booth's male dominace i kicking in so he can "protect" our baby but even though i tell him to stop i love him carfully kissing me and talking to the baby .   Booth was so happy that it was a girl and parker is so excited to be an older brother .. it seems like everyone around me loves me.      

" booth ugh i feel sick again "       " its ok bones i know what parenting is like trust me "   and he gave me one of those sexy smiles again and i laughed   he came to me and put his arm around be and held his hand on my stomach and felt the baby kick and he just laughed and we smiled at eachother then we kissed and left for work .

 " ok bones we have to go to an interview up north they are sending us there for a couple of days and you have to solve a murder in that town while i do my stuff "   " ok booth ill get my things at the jeffersonian and we will go "    

we drove for about 15 miles or so into a small town called  feldington and i did feel some hard kicks and booth asked if i was ok , but i was perfectly fine.    

" hey booth ill sign us in the motel can you grab the bags ? its very hard for me bacuse of my form "     " of course bones ! "       " name please ? "   " Dr. Temprance Brennan and F.B.I agent seely booth " " i read your book it's fantastic ! " thanks "   i said  then booth came in and we got the key to the room and we walked down the hall.     while we were walking booth started humming and i reconised the song he was humming and then i started humming too and we laughed when we got to our room. when we walked in the first thing i did was lay down on our bed and i sighed    " bones you alright ? "    " im alrght booth just feeling hard kicks is all .. umm im going to rest for a while before we start to work "     " well ill join you " booth said and he kicked off his shoes and took mine off for me and we took a nap together.  


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