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Portia always felt lost. She had her older sister Mercedes who was a star within their church choir and loved to belt her powerful notes, but Portia felt lost in the background. The freshman didn't have friends. Mercedes tried to get her to join the church choir with her for many years now, but Portia always refused. Though Portia knew she had a beautiful voice, she never really liked standing out in the crowd. One thing Portia was good at was coming up with insults to throw at the students that were assholes to her. She talked to people, but that didn't mean she had friends. 

Today was any other day at the high school, but when Mercedes grabbed her hand and pointed to the sign up board for Glee club auditions Portia shook her head,

"No, Mercedes. You go and I'll support you, but no."

"Come on, Portia. Stopped acting like you're too cool for school and join this with me. We should spend more time together before I graduate and become famous."

"You're a sophomore, Mercedes; so stop being dramatic." Mercedes wrote her name on the list and then handed the pencil to Portia.

"Come on, Portia." Mercedes pleaded and so Portia jotted her name down on the piece of paper.

After school Mercedes was first and the teacher who was Portia's Spanish teacher, Mr. Schuester. 

"My names Mercedes Jones and I'm singing, R.E.S.P.E.C.T." Mercedes did what she did best and belted out the song and when she was finished Portia clapped for her sister as Mercedes came over to her.

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this."

"It'll be fun." she said.

"Portia Jones." Portia went out to the stage and starred at Mr. Schuester, "what will you be singing."

"Irreplaceable by Beyonce." he nodded and smiled to her. The piano player started playing and Portia took in a deep breath.

"To the left, to the left. Everything you own in the box to the left. In the closet that's my stuff, yes if I bought it please don't touch." she took in another breath, "and you keep talking that mess, that's fine. But could you walk and talk at the same time? And it's my name that is on that tag, so removed your bags let me call you a cab. Standing in the front yard telling me how I'm such a fool, talking about how I'll never ever find a man like you. You got me twisted." Portia was beginning to get more comfortable on the stage and looked to Mercedes who was smiling, "you must not know 'bout me. You must not know 'bout me I could have another you in a minute, matter fact he'll be in a minute, baby. You must not know 'bout me. You must not know 'bout me. I can another you by tomorrow, so don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable."  Portia sang, "you can pack all your things, we're finished. 'Cause you made your bed, now lay in it. I can have another you by tomorrow, don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable." she looked at Mr. Schuester and figured she looked like a deer in headlights.

"That was great, Portia. I'll see you two tomorrow at our first rehearsal." Portia smiled and nodded. She went to join her sister and they hugged.

"Let's go home." Mercedes said.

The next day they had their first rehearsal. They all stood in the choir room and Portia looked at the sheet music she was given the moment she walked into the choir room. She didn't realize they'd be performing something so awful. They were going to run the number and see how to improve.

"And I said to myself sit down." Artie sang, the boy was in a wheelchair and wore riding gloves which Portia thought was odd, but he did have a lovely voice.

Unwritten: Glee [1] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now