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Portia moved through the hallways of McKinley and tried to remain unnoticed. The football jocks were on the prowl with handfuls of slushies and she didn't want to be their victim. Not today. She was wearing a white top and if they threw a slushie on her it was bound to stain and she didn't have a change of clothes.

"Portia." she jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, but eased when she heard Finn's voice. She turned around and smiled at him, "whoa, you okay?"

"I'm wearing white and I saw a bunch of your teammates with slushies." she saw them come down the hall they were end and stop in front of Finn. She pleaded with her eyes as Finn turned around.

"Hello, gorgeous." Azimio said looking at Portia with a smile, "despite your beauty it must be done." Portia screamed out when the cold purple slushie hit her face. She wiped her eyes and now saw her once white shirt was purple and transparent. She covered over her chest and Finn stood in front of her while he got a slushie to the face as well.

"I have a hoodie in my locker I can get you." he said turning around after the football players left. She nodded and looked down at her ruined shirt, "want me to walk you to the bathroom? I can stand in front of you." she only nodded again and they walked to the bathroom. Once inside she washed her face, grateful she hadn't put on makeup that morning. She was also happy she had put her braids into a bun on the top of her head. She shook the partially still frozen slushie and shook it out of her shirt. She heard a knock on the bathroom door, "it's me. I grabbed the hoodie." she went to the door and grabbed it from Finn by sticking her hand out of the door. She took the soaking wet shirt off and washed her torso so it wouldn't be sticky before putting the hoodie on. She tossed the ruined white shirt in the trash can and looked at herself in the mirror. She drowned in the hoodie but it was comfortable and it smelled nice which she appreciated. She sighed, threw away the plethora of paper towels she used and left the bathroom. Finn was waiting next to the door and smiled down at Portia.

"Thanks, Finn. I'll get it back to you tomorrow."

"Maybe no more white. Because though your boobs are nice looking, I don't exactly want to see them again. No offense." Portia let out a laugh and shook her head.

"None taken. I don't exactly ever wish to see your junk." the two shared a smile and walked down the hallway together. She stopped at her locker causing Finn to stop to, "how's Quinn?"

"Seriously bitchy. I think I'm gonna tell her I told you because I think she needs a girl to talk to. I'll be able to handle her if she gets mad at me, because she's mad at me all the time." Portia nodded.

"I'm okay with that. Tell her that I am here for her if she wants to talk." the bell rang and the two looked at each other, "see you in Glee, my friend. Thanks again for the hoodie, you're a lifesaver."

"See you in Glee, Portia." she walked towards the classroom when she was rammed with a wheelchair and now in Artie's lap. The girl smiled and turned to look at her best friend.

"You could've just said 'hello'." she told him with a smile. They had the same first period together.

"Well, I was thinking about it and then thought 'mm better not' what's with the giant hoodie?"

"I was blessed with a slushie facial this morning, on the day I decided to wear a white shirt. Luckily Finn was next to me and offered me this very hoodie so I would be walking around with a purple stained see through shirt."

"Finn, the hero." they rolled into the classroom and Portia stood up going over to the table she shared with Artie.

In the hallway on the way to Glee club Portia walked alone. But she saw a poster inviting people to come to an invitational they were putting on Saturday. Without Rachel people were nervous but Portia wasn't really bothered by it because Rachel was an annoyance to her. She walked into the room and Quinn came over to her, a hand on her hip.

Unwritten: Glee [1] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now