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Portia was talking to Finn by his locker when a blonde cheerleader came over to them,

"Who the hell are you?" she asked viciously.

"Quinn, relax."

"Hard to relax when she is clearly flirting with you." Portia laughed and rolled her eyes at the dramatic girl.

"First of all, I'm Portia. Second, no I wasn't flirting; sorry but jock isn't exactly my type. Third, I was offering to help him bring up his grade in Spanish during lunch." Portia turned on the heel of her boot but turned slightly, "lastly, I don't exactly like guys who are in relationships. So you have nothing to worry about from me. Finn, I'll see you at lunch." she walked towards the classroom she had to be in for first period.

Portia followed the dance moves Mr. Shue wanted them to do for this song that was possibly the worst song ever created. Portia was pissed at Finn and kept glaring at him from her spot. He never showed up to their planned study session and she was mad she wasted her time. She wanted to hit him, but she was trying to control her anger.

"Ah, freak out. Le freak, c'est chic. Freak out."

"Energy guys." Mr. Shue told them, "Portia, change your face. It's disco.

"Le freak, c'est chic. Ah, freak out."

"Good with the hands. John Travolta hands. All right."

"Le freak, c'est chic. Freak out."

"Freak it out. Let's go."

"Le freak, c'est chic."

"And up and out."

"Have you heard about the new dance craze? Listen to us, I'm sure you'll be amazed. Big fun..." Rachel kicked her leg up and almost hit Mercedes in the face and Portia took a step back falling over Artie and was on her butt.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hell to the nah." Mercedes said as Artie held his hand out to Portia so she could stand back up.

"Sorry." he said quietly.

"I'm clumsy, so no worries, Artie." Portia said smiling, she liked Artie; he seemed like a good genuine person which is something Portia appreciated.

"First of all, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you." Portia heard Mercedes tell Rachel, "and also, this song is terrible."

"I agree. Worst song." Portia said

"Okay, no, no, it's not the song. You guys just need to get into it."

"No, it's the song." Kurt said, "it's really gay."

"We need modern music, Mr. Shue." Artie said.

"Especially if we want more people to join us. Nobody is going to want join us if we are singing these lame ass songs." Portia told him, which caused Mr. Shue to give her a look. He didn't care for her inability to not censor herself.

"I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing the song this Friday at the pep assembly."

"In f-front of the whole school?" Tina asked.

"Exactly!" Mr. Shue said happily.

"They're gonna throw fruit at us." Kurt said, "and I just had a facial."

"I'll press charges if that happens."

"Guys, I can't express to you how important this assembly is. We need recruits. There're seven of you. We need twelve to qualify for Regionals. We have no choice or...the club is over. I know you guys don't like this song, but we took Nationals back in '93 with "Freak Out." it's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. From the top."

Unwritten: Glee [1] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now