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Portia sat in Mr. Schue's office, he had asked her to come in there when he saw her in the hallway. She had missed all of last week and she wasn't exactly open to talking about it.

"I wanted to check to make sure you were okay. Mercedes just said you were sick." she thought of all the lies she could tell to make him leave her alone but she looked at him and sighed.

"I, uh, dammit." she put her hands on her face and another sigh came out.

"Hey, if you aren't ready. It's fine. We can talk whenever." she removed her hands.

"No, you should know. But this could happen again."

"What's going on? Is someone hurting you?"

"No! Well kind of but it's myself. It's my fault this happens. Well not according to my therapist but to me it's my fault I'm this way."

"I am so lost in this conversation."

"Since joining the Glee Club, I've been on a high. Not like I'm on drugs high, but a manic high. Where I put all my energy into everything I do. That's how I got through the boys vs girls thing without the drugs, because I was already so high energy." Mr. Schue was staring at her, taking in everything she was saying and she appreciated that a lot, "with the highs come the lows, and last week was my the lowest I've been since joining Glee Club. I couldn't get out of bed. I barely ate. I didn't shower. Didn't go to therapy."

"What else happened?"

"I convinced myself to quit Glee Club because I wasn't good enough to be with you. My mind lies to me. Tell me everyone is against me. But like always the low ended, this time it lasted a week which I'm happy about. I'm exhausted from it and I know the cycle will begin again."

"How'd you get out of it?"

"Mercedes has this little trick of singing non-stop until I join her. She forces me to dance. It worked this time."

"What if it doesn't next time?"

"I don't know." Portia told him honestly, "and I'm scared to think about it."

"Well I have a task to distract you." Portia smiled and nodded, "I just found out we don't have enough money for the bus that'll be able to take Artie. I figured we could do a bake sale, I haven't told the other kids yet. Would you take charge of it?"

"Absolutely, baking is a secret talent of mine." the bell rang and they saw the rest of the Glee Club coming into the room, "thanks, Mr. Schue for wanting to talk."

"I'm here anytime you need to."

"PORTIA!" Finn yelled loudly when seeing her. When she went out of the office, the two hugged, "I'm glad to see you're feeling better. What was wrong?"

"Nasty flu bug. It was gross. I figured I didn't want to infect all of you. But I'm one-hundred percent better, so Rachel no need to quarantine yourself." Portia said with a laugh. She took her normal seat and smiled. She was happy to be back and was excited to see the team step up to help Artie out, "do you want some help?" Portia asked when she noticed that Artie was struggling to tie his shoe. He didn't answer her and she sighed.

"What about Target?" Quinn asked Finn.

"Tried. Not hiring."

"Another doctor bill came to my parents' house last night, Finn. We're lucky that I'm clever and intercepted it. But we have to start paying these doctor's bills or they're going to go to a collection agency and then my parents are going to find out that I'm with child. Your child." Quinn complained. Mr. Schue came out of his office with sheet music and began handing it out.

Unwritten: Glee [1] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now