Uncle Ace.

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"You sure it's okay? I could take a rain check, they won't mind." 

"You've been working yourself ragged, look at your hair for instance." You half-heartedly argue with your fiancé, gesturing to his brunette locks that have been pulled into a man bun. He hasn't had the time or energy to style his hair properly since Acey was born. "If anyone deserves a break, it's you."

You're currently trying to convince him to accept his brother's offer to take him out drinking tonight, you'll happily look after little Ace. Besides, it isn't like Thatch does this often, poor guy never goes out like he used to so you're insistent on it now.

"I don't feel good about going out and getting drunk whilst you're sat at home, looking after the baby." Honestly, you know he's just being a gentleman but sometimes it gets troublesome. "I didn't even like leaving him with his uncle Ace to pick you up."

Well, you can't blame him there. Ace has a pretty dangerous idea of fun. 

"If you're comparing my parenting skills to Ace's then I'm just gonna be offended." You're only joking of course, you know that Thatch just worries about his baby like any good parent would. "Go out and get drunk like you used to, if we have any problems, I'll call you. Okay?" 

Your request earns you a small sigh from your fiancé but not a refusal, you can see by the look on his face that he's thinking it over. A slight shrug of his shoulders before a smile embeds itself into his face. 

"Alright, if you're sure..." Thatch finally folds as he pulls into the driveway. You can tell that he still doesn't like the idea but you're not surprised by that at all, you know how much he hates deadbeat dads and he probably feels like he's mimicking them if he leaves you both to go out on the town. 

But you think the complete opposite. Whenever Acey cries at night Thatch will always be the one to immediately get out of bed and reassure you that he's got it and you don't need to worry before he goes off to soothe your baby.

Hell, he often has bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep he gets but he has never once complained. When you've pointed out how tired he looks, he claims that fatigue is a small price to pay for taking care of his loved ones. 

You've been with this man for 5 years now and you still ask how you got so lucky, he's everything you've ever wanted. He even helps you carry the shopping into the house, the two of you entering the living room to find the two Ace's.

Although, the older one is passed out as usual and the other is doing his little baby stuff with his back to you. 

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing there~?" You grin, putting the shopping bags down before approaching the boy. However, a feeling of immediate dread washes over you when you notice Acey bringing something close to his mouth, it looks like a marker pen without a lid and there's ink everywhere.


"ACE!" Thatch's loud voice seeming to come out of nowhere before you have a chance to do anything and poor uncle Ace immediately jolts awake, eyes the size of dinner plates. Of course, Thatch merely beelines toward his baby, wrestling the marker out of his little hand. 

Good thing for the freckled brother too. If Thatch wasn't so distracted, he'd tear the goon a new asshole for not looking after this boy properly. 

You hastily make your way over and help Thatch take back the pen. The little rebel has managed to get it all over his face and hands but luckily, there's no trace of ink in his mouth. A relieved sigh leaving your lips as you throw the pen into the trash, the end is ruined so there's no point in keeping it.

"What the hell, Ace?!" Thatch barks at his brother has he brings his child close to his chest, gently bouncing him in his arms to try and calm him as he begins to cry over the loss of his new 'toy'. "I ask you to do one thing, I wasn't even gone that long!"

"Sorry," For once Ace doesn't argue about being scolded, he knows he fucked up and that's really something since the boy is usually quick to pull the 'it's not my fault' card. "I was tired, I didn't sleep much last night." 

Never mind, there he goes.

"I don't give a sh--monkeys." Thatch audibly forcing his voice to fall soft as Acey slowly begins to settle, you can see the brunette is still pissed off but he doesn't want to cause his baby any more distress. "Next time you're tired let me know before I leave you in charge of my son, alright!" 

"Yeah, right...s-so uh, you coming out tonight?" 

Great timing, Ace. Really. 

You can see Thatch pondering over it before he gives you a pointed look, the hesitation is as clear as day in his face. "N--Yeah, f-fine...But I'm not staying out late..." The answer is a tidal wave of relief for you, you honestly thought that he was going to change his mind after that incident but then, like you said before, your parenting skills are better than ol' uncle Ace's.

"Yaaaas~! It'll be fun, Thatch~!!"

So enthusiastic, Ace. Even when your brother is currently glaring a hole through your face. 

"Thatch, lemme give him a bath~" You hum softly as you gently take little Acey out of your lover's muscular arms, the small boy instantly reaching out to play with your hair as you cuddle him close to your chest. "Look at this little beard he drew on himself~!"

Yes, you're trying to make light of the situation. It seems like it's working too when Thatch takes a peak from the corner of his eye, a subtle pout still visible on the handsome man's lips though. Looks like you'll need to work a little harder.

"Were you trying to make yourself look like daddy~?" You ask your son in a soft and playful voice, the cutie merely offering a cheeky little giggle at your question and nodding his head languidly.  

And that does it, Thatch actually lightens up at that, trying to hide his slight chuckle too by conveniently having to clear his throat, his fist only barely hiding his adorable smirk. 

That's my happy man.

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