Chapter Three

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Lucas arrived at my house at two in the morning. I watched him load my suitcase into the backseat of his truck, neither of us saying anything. He opened the passenger's door for me, but I just stood still. Eventually I opened the backseat door and sank in. I felt bad for ignoring him, but this wasn't a time to talk. I knew he'd understand.

I lied down,  with my legs curled up and both hands under one cheek, like a sleeping child. Lucas and I drove to the airport without saying a word. It was probably because I looked like I was sleeping from the driver's seat.

Lucas broke the silence at a red light. "Are you hungry?" 

I really really didn't want to talk so I closed my eyes. 

"Logan." he said.

This time I fully sat up. "No." I was tempted to lie back down but that would be pushing a limit. I sat quietly and stared at the road ahead. 

"What was the last thing you ate?" he asked.

I don't even remember the last thing I ate, so I told him I had a hot pocket before we left.

"Okay. What flavor?" he questioned, looking at me through the mirror.

"What? It was the pepperoni one. Why does it matter?" I asked. 

"Because your lips would have been red if you ate one." he said, raising an eyebrow.

"I ate one like, two hours ago. When I called you. They're not red anymore." I replied, hoping he'd dismiss the subject. Of course he didn't, which is why we're parked in front of a Carl's Junior. 

Lucas came back to the car with two Double Western Bacon burgers for him, and an original carl for me. We already had water, so we just ate our food for a while in the parking lot. Lucas finished both of his burgers in a matter of minutes, so we were on the road again.

Lucas was about nine times as healthy as I was. He's probably had more salads when he was 15 than I'd  ever had my enire life. What surprized me how ripped he was. He had such a goody personality that his muscles looked strange on him, if that was possible.

"Have you picked out where we're going?" he asked.

I actually had picked out where we were going, I just didn't want to say it. I sighed.

"Logan?" he turned to look at me.

"We're going to China." I said, not looking at him. 

There was a long pause before he said something.

I took that time to recognize all of his features: Luke was actually really attractive. I never noticed because I never paid attention to it, but all of the girls at school would swoon over him. School ended last week, Luke was a senior and I was a junior. We had such a picture-perfect summer planned- except for the family issues.

"Wow. China," he said. His head turned back to the road.He was obviously disappointed. Neither of us spoke Chinese and we were both hoping for more of a "party" time rather than an exotic one. 

"I know. It's just," I began before he cut me off. 

"No! China's great. There's a lot of new things to learn there." He said.

I sighed. "Look, you don't have to act happy about it. I'm not happy about it either. But we have to go to China." 

He looked at me, confused. "Why are we going there if you don't want to?"

"I left a not for my mom, telling her I'd be back in six weeks. I said I was going to China," I answered.

He looked at me and smiled. "She can think we're going to China."

We gave eachother a sneaky smile. "So where to then? It has to be somewhere completely opposite from China then. Like America or something,".

"America sounds good to me." He said. I wasn't serious though. America was full of gangsters and drug dealers and other horrible things. 

"No, America is too dangerous." I said. He gave me a look that automatically sent me giggling. His eyebrows were dancing and he was scrunching his nose up.

"We can steer clear of those things. Not all America is bad," he responded.

I thought for a while. Could America be the one? I never even imagined it before. I always thought we would go to Sweden, or Italy. Not America.

"Think about it Logan. Warm beaches. Good food. Wasn't that the plan?" He asks.

I'm still thinking. America? It was just so- random. I never even considered it but now it may be where I spend my next six weeks.

After a while of thinking, I finally speak up.

"Lucas," I say. 


"Let's go to America." I said, grinning. His smile stretched all the way to his eyes as he high fived me.


 Picture on the side is Logan again. So you can get more of an image of her.

Vote and comment lovlies! Much love,


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