Chapter Four

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"Passport please." The lady at the desk said.

"Oh, right," I mumbled searching through my bag. After a long time of searching the lady started to give me a strange look.

"Is everything all right there?" She asked, tapping her nails. 

"Everything's fantastic, I just can't find my passport," I said while searching. 

"I'm sorry. Please step out of line." The lady said. I was liking her less and less. 

"Just give me one second, I really do have it," I said frantically.

"You're holding up a line." She said with a hint of attitude in her voice. I turned around to see a fairly young couple behind me, maybe a few years older than Luke.

"You call that a line?" I asked. She started asking me to step away again, but I cut her off and began fuming. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let a missing piece of paper stop me from going to America when I have spent YEARS saving up to go there, so YOU can wait and I'm sure they can wait too." I said, waving my hand blindly behind me. 

A hand touched my shoulder. I turned around, expecting it to be the couple confronting my behavior. It was Lucas. He held up his passport in the air, then speading his hand out to reveal that he was carrying two. 

I slowly started to smile. "Ha, ha, haha ha, this is actually really funny, cause I just put all of these people on blast for something so stupid when you had my passport the whole-" 

"I know." He said, shaking his head.

The desk lady automatically perked up. She finished our paperwork and brightly smiled at us-or at Lucas- as we walked to the gate. 

About half an hour later we were sitting against a giant window, waiting for our flight. He began to ask some questions. Like why was I melting down, why did I all of a sudden want to leave, did I have my phone with me, did I bring pads, did I have spare cash. I explained everything to him and answered all of his questions.

I had about a hundred dollars left. I never expected the plane ticket to be well over two thousand dollars, almost three. That was it. That was my life's work in savings- now completely gone. The money I had left could probably buy me a taxi ride and a night in a motel. Maybe not even that, America was completely new to me. I was sure I would figure something out.

A stewardess entered our waiting lobby, and explained that our flight would be delayed for nearly 12 hours. Groans erupted everywhere. They'd dare charge us thousands of dollars and then give us a 12 hour delay?

"London Airlines give our most sincere apologies. As an appreciation for your patience, we have provided you with the option to stay in one of our finest hotels for the night free, or you can wait for the flight and recieve first class treatment."

The stewardess scurries out before anyone can throw a pie at her face.

Me and Luke just start talking about what's been going on lately. I told him that my dad has been hitting me recently, and he explained his crazy story of how he got the truck that drove us here.

"You see, Sunjay had this old beaten up truck. There was no point in fixing it, so he left it in the junkyard. But guess who tackled that baby and fixed her up?" he asked. I laughed at him as he pointed both thumbs torward his chest.

"It's even better that the old piece of crap was worthless, cause it started breaking down in the parking lot. We basically got one free ride," he chuckled.

A different lady came to the lobby, this time she looked more like a desk lady than a stewardess. "I'm so sorry for more bad news. I regret to inform you that your flight will be delayed another four hours. For those of you who have declined our free night at a hotel, we offer you an all day pass to any theme park in America. Thank you for your patience." The redheaded lady walks out of the lobby, less nervous than the stewardess had been.

"So, it's only been an hour. That means there's 15 hours of airport life." Lucas said.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "What's your point? You're not suggesting we take the night at the hotel and give up first class and a free theme park pass?"

He holds his hands up in surrender. "Then what do you want to do here?" he asks.

I shrug at him. He taps his foot for a while and then eventually stands up. I look at him questioningly.

He holds his hand out to help me stand up. "What are you doing?" I ask. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Let's go shopping, Lo. You don't look very, packed," he says. 

"Are you insane? We got lucky with the delay. Just cause we saved some money it doesn't mean we can spend some," I retort. He rolls his eyes a double time and grabs my hand, pulling it up. 

He ignores my protests and calls for a taxi. I don't want to make him look like a kidnapper so I just follow him. We go to Abercrombie, Hollister, Pacsun, Forever 21, and Macy's. I lose myself in all the cute clothes and forget our budget.

I end up buying a cute dress from Abercrombie. It had a light denim flat cleavage that had buttons down the middle, finished with a white skirt that reached around mid-thigh. When I came out of the fitting room Lucas was staring at me, up and down. I laughed. 

"What?" I asked. He snapped out of his gaze and placed a goofy smile on. "Oh, Lo. You look hot." he says, stretching out the T. 

I ended up buying a few more things like shorts, pajamas, some flats, sandals, a couple of crop tops and other shirts from Forever 21 that I wouldn't be allowed to wear at home. I got a pack of makeup too, just for the heck of it. 

When we walked out I realized how many bags Lucas was holding for me. I realized that I must've just costed him a shitload of cash. I gasp in the middle of the mall.

"I knew you would do that sooner or later," he laughed. I punched his rock hard arm. 

"Why didn't you stop me?" I ask. He keeps laughing and shaking his head.

"It's TheBig Trip, Lo. You deserve this." he said.

"One last stop: Macy's. You have nothing professional to wear," He said, shaking his head in shame. 

He forced me to get a dress and shoes. The first dress I tried on ended up being perfect. It was a white slim dress that was tight around my whole body. It had three quarter sleeves and was covered in lace throughout. Lucas paired them with beige strappy-heels with bling. 

We sat in the food court eating pizza. I couldn't get over how much money he spent on me, but Lucas kept laughing it off and saying that he'd owed it to me. 

We were on our way out of the mall when we passed by a socks shop. It was the first store full of socks only that i'd ever seen. Lucas insisted we buy matching pairs to celebrate my sock-store-seeing-virginity. 

I wanted to get some black socks that said "Support" on one foot and "Gay Marriage" on the other. Lucas just ignored my suggestion and picked out some bright red ankle socks that had half a heart on one pair and the other half on the opposite pair. We ended up buying Lucas's choice, since he was paying.

We made it back to the airport around three hours before the flight. I guess I had fallen asleep in that time cause I woke up to the taste of saltiness in my mouth. I opened my eyes to see Lucas holding a fry to my face. I smacked his hand away but continued to eat the fry while he chuckled. We boarded the plane about five minutes later. I immidiately fell asleep again on Lucas once we were on the plain. I drifted off feeling Lucas petting my head to sleep.

I was so lucky to have Lucas. He was the perfect friend. 


Picture on the side is who I would play for Jason. You'll meet him soon.

Much love, 


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