°the odds of our love°

439 12 3

It was the time. Reaper knew all to well of his love for a certain  skeleton. all to well, and it was slowly breaking him inside that he never told him how he felt. But today would be different from the rest, he thought to himself. Today I'll finally tell him the fury passion i feel, The love that burns every times i see him. A wave of blush swarmed around his face causing him to cover up his face with his dark death like jacket. he was the god of death, feared among all monsters and mortals, So why did he feel this way tords a pity version of himself..? Questions attacked him quickly, dropping on him like booms. Before he could answer him self. He was faced to the presents of another god. LIFE, his opost, his enemy. Or so it seemed. They were surprisingly close for being different. "Oh! Greetings sans, my i ask why your in such a hurry?" her sentence  echoed in his mind  'i could ask the same thing he thought. "Heh..well ..I'm a bit..'rattled' tori, so..I'll tell you later.. ok?" as he spoke so darkly she chuckled lightly at his pun. ' heh,only tori'  he thought as he walk away leaving a trail of his darkness behind. Soon he grew tired, and yawned. Causing small animals to scatter away in fear. He sighed and took a small seat on a green bench. As he sat, darkness grew over it. He sighed, and closed his eyes. Only to soon wake up to his love on his shoulder, slowly dozing off. He managed to pull out the words he so desperately needed to say. "I love you" He said and paused, waiting, longing, For a response. " I love you to" after said softy. Soon the two feel asleep loving the warm love that was growing in side of both, and that they would share for the rest of there lives,   together.                            °~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~°    words all together: 333

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