>° my feelings °<

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°~after sans POV~°                                               It was a very cold and rainy evening.  The sky seemed like its tears would never end, I thought, as i shifted my gaze to one of the clouds. It almost looked like it moved. I thought to myself once more. It looked darker then the others, and more..deathly,  swooping  like a black crow down at the others. I took my gaze off of it, and decided to look at something else, maybe eat something, I was feeling hungry.  I grabed a small bag of black and white heart shaped pop tarts and took a bit of one. It was black, and it had a goopy red inside it. I looked out side and saw that the black cloud shape got closer and closer to were my small hut like house was. I had an idea. I slowly open the door of my house to get a better look at the black cloud, Suddenly it swooped down and lugged it self at me, befor I could react to the assault i felt a pare of two boney hands on my back playing with my spine a bit.  " hello aft~" i soon realised who it was and pushed him away "I DID NOT COME OUT HERE TO GET   *annoying dog* BY YOU!" i yelled, feeling blush swarm into my face

  " hello aft~" i soon realised who it was and pushed him away "I DID NOT COME OUT HERE TO GET   *annoying dog* BY YOU!" i yelled, feeling blush swarm into my face

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"Aw" he said laughing hard. Soon we were on the couch eating pop tarts While wacthing a move called 'vampire diaries', Soon reaper grew tired and feel asleep on me. Makeing the pop tarts fall. " idiot...My idiot..' i said blushing, seeing the smirky grin on his face when i said Those words. I quickly gain him a peck on cheek. Making him satisfied.        "  I love you." he said, titling his head on my body moving his face closer to mine. " l-love you more you idio-" befor i could finish his mouth locked on mine, rapidly huging me. When he broke the kiss he put his head on my collar bone, softly saying " shut up and let me love you.." in his dark caring voice.  ' why am i so madly in love with the idiot of death?' I wonder, as i slowly slept by his side, feeling his warmth by mine.                                                   °~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~°    
Word count: 379

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