•|the wamth of death|•

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~no ones point ~                                                      Geno, Or after by a few, was usually alone in the consuming anti void. He mostly watched the version of Himself do his lazy thing, sometimes sleep, or talk to his brother murder if wanted, And spontaneously gaster would show up out of the blue asking for him to come to the void. But that never stopped his growth of loneliness and more depression then he ever thought the original Was going through. He lingered for someone, Anyone. His soul was longingly begging for companionship,  beating harder every time he watched his original  self with someone else. But that soon changed, One day(or possibly night) in the anti void, Geno was finding himself just inches away from taking a nap. You see, Alongside his stronger depression, Geno had gotten something else, A tiny amount of sleep depreciation. He usually went on with being his normal lazy self, But found himself flopping over due to lack of sleep. This time, Geno wanted to sleep, and was successful. While he was having his nap, he herded a slight walk, closer to were he was. He brushed it off, thinking it was probably the tap of his mind at work. But soon he felt something pull lightly on his scarf. He slightly moved, to show the creature that he was getting up. With an unhappy  groan. "Aw..is Little after upset?~" he heard, It sounded like his voice, But chilled and deathly, Sending cold amounts of chills down him. "Oh no..little after is cold to~" the death sounding version of himself said again, Making afters heart beat rapidly.              " hehehe.." He chuckled in his deathly voice, causing Geno's soul to be attack by butterfly's with its massive beating. Geno's head seated him with thoughts that were roaring 'who is he? 'Why...do I feel so..-' 'why is he hear?' Geno decided to say something But before he could even muster it, he felt a roaring amount of death getting closer to his face "hear..let me warm you up..~" he said as he grabbed
After and pulled him in for a longed  kiss both needed for a long time.

~" he said as he grabbed After and pulled him in for a longed  kiss both needed for a long time

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Geno felt fluster, and a warmth of blush caught him in between their kiss. Geno took a look at the version of himself, his eyes closed taking in the blissfulness of the kiss, he was wearing a  black robe and had a Deathful presents. After the deep, lovingly long kiss both  skeletons were filled with blush, After with hearts in his eyes, as reaper hugged him in a loving dream like way

 After the deep, lovingly long kiss both  skeletons were filled with blush, After with hearts in his eyes, as reaper hugged him in a loving dream like way

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Reaper was right, he did warm him up.                                                                                                                                Word Count: 443

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