🖤short fluff stuff🖤

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Geno looked over at Reaper, who was on the other side of the bed. He could see The skeletons wide grin, and felt blobs of blue forming at his cheek bones growing.  He averted his eyes from his beloved Reaper and onto the window. The sun was shining out the window, Brightly booming it's confident light onto the Humans and Monsters around it..the  bright dagger of its Ray's shined at Geno, adding more warmth onto the skelatons  frame, but not onto Genos Flushed cheekbones. He Heard the birds Singing outside, their chirps all swarming together in an orchestra, creating a beautiful lullaby that he would gladly lull his head on a pillow and fall asleep too. But, he was more fixated on the skelaton that crawled Himself onto Genos lap. Like any sane person, Geno was shocked completely flabbergasted at the sight- of course, he couldn't scream, Reaper would probably kill him- and most likely make a comment about how cute Geno is, causing Geno a fate worse then death- but he smothered the thought before it could grow into a cluster. He thought to himself
he's not awake..so maybe I could..
He breathed in a deep huff of air, fearing it might he his last. If Reaper woke up, He'd be teased about this untill death do them part!..Geno bit his lip to hold in his laughter. He chose to take the risk of this, feeling his determination build within him

He softly "kissed" Reapers head. Although it sounded like someone bonking two Coconuts together, Geno felt triumphant for a moment, he did something romantic!...until he heard the faintest laugh erupted from the skelaton under him..
All of that self pep talk for nothing- his HOPE was snapped away from him! It was like he lost a game. Alas, all that was lossed was the feeling in his cheek bones Because of the over whelming amount of blush on his face.

"i felt that..."

"s..shut up!" He felt his voice crack, and Reaper looked up at him in awe for a moment

Until Geno pushed him away. Lightly, of course.
" that was so Cute-~"
"SHUT UP!!" he squeaked, and he could hear the wheeze come out from Reaper like a deflated balloon
"i hate you so much you little-"

"Little what, geno?~ because y'know one thing that isn't little..?"

Geno felt a chill go down his bones at that comment, and Reaper added more to that feeling by  getting closer to him, he could feeling his chest tighten, his legs wobbling over like a stack of bowling pins, his ribs felt like collapsing as his breathing quickened. He could feel the
pairs of eyes on him as he felt his face flush, thoughts running-no Sprinting through his mind-all wondering what this hot sack of bones was gonna do and say next...

"Mmmmmmmmmyyyyy undying lovvveee..forrr..

Reaper, said that, pecking at Genos head with his non-existent lips.

Geno was throwing pillows at him- his face was Flushed with anger, But mainly a heaving amount of blush that would make a makeup artist faint. Meanwhile Reaper was laughing his funny bone out, which wasn't funny to Geno..
"kay-kayy! I give up I'm sorry~.." he said, pretending to wipe of tears from his eye sockets. Geno only crossed his arms in response, while Reaper scooted closer, launching his arms onto Genos back, lazily laying down; admiring the pillows scattered on the floor. And ground. And maybe his face if he was lucky. He chuckled, and looked at his Genos face.

It was brighter then the sun, and more beautiful then any star in the universe.

"Love ya' Geno"


"Ehehehe..I take that as a yes..~"



Word count: 711

This was only me writing about a small old ship that I like but now it's so much more then that!!! I'm sorry if this sucks I've just had a lot to do in life BuTT I WANTED TO MAKE THIS TO SHOW IM aLive and not well since. Y'know. I'm screaming. i'Ll MAKE MORE SOON I SWEAR!! JUSt bare with this meat sack, okaY?? AaaaAAAAAAA THANK YOU THANK YOU

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