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As my alarm clock beeped I woke up with the messiest hair I have ever had.I put on skinny jeans and a shirt ( I didn't want to look like a slut the first day) so I went down and realized that Anna had overslept again! She is always the reason I am late.

"Anna?"I asked loudly knocking on her door.

" Huh? ..Who is it?" She asked obviously asleep still.

"It's me Elsa, Are you ready?" I asked

"Ready for what?" She respond , God, why do I even try?

"The first day of school?" I said trying to ring bells.

"The ..the.. first day. Oh!" She reacted.

She fixed herself up and in 3 minutes she was good to go.

Since Anna and Punzie where 2 years younger than me , we went to different schools. Which kind of was a problem to me beacuse I would be alone.


I went to get my schedule and my locker , I had the locker #43 so on my way there I seemed to notice a familiar hair a silver hair, Fuck! It was the kid who broke my mom guitar that was the only thing I got left of her! And that asshole broke it. He went to my school? Seriously? I hate destiny.

My first class was Math and guess who was there? Exactly the silver wannabe blonde weirdo. At least I was in the front next to the window and he was far away at the back flirting with girls and stuff.

"Hello class my name is Lola and I am going to be your teacher this year." The teacher infroduced herself.

After that we all introduce our selfs and then Lola wrote some equations in the board. But when I was concentrating someone interrupt me ! I was about to finish.

"Ptssss Elsa." The fuy who ibtroduced hinself as  Hiccup whispered.

"Yeah Hiccup right?" I asked confirming.

"Yeah, would you mind giving me number 1,3,5,7,9,11 and 12?" He asked with a please-help-me-I-am-about-to-suicide look.

"Haha you are not very good at this are you?" I respond laughing

"No but I am great at design so let's make a deal you help me with this and I'll help you at art or whatever, deal?" He said witha serious tone.

"Deal." I said with a warm smile.

So I help Hiccup who at least had a little brain it his head. Turns out he used to be the class weirdo because he thought he could talk to imaginary dragons and train them . Everyone laugh at him for that. Until one day the doctor diagnostic cancer on his leg and everyone thought he was going to die. Jack(the silver blonde) even got him a lizard and pasted carton wings on it, he called him Toothless. Sadly he lost his leg. After that Hiccup and I became best friends.

All my other classes were just boring. No one interesting. Nothing. Just introductions and that. I never saw Hiccup again. One thing I did learned is that Jack Frost turns out he is a popular kid! And also Hiccup! Because they are handsome and funny , I agree that Hiccup is all of that but Jack! no omg no.

So it was lunch time and well Hiccup is popular so I can't sit with him , so I went to the one place I have always gone to. The library. I was sitting there alone reading Harry Potter when someone sat beside me.

"Hi, my name's Bell." Someone introduced in a gental tone.

"Hello, I am Elsa." I said with a smile.

After that there was an awkward silence

"So.. You are new here right?" She said cutting the awkward silence

"Yes." I responded

"So you are a potter head?" She said obviously looking at the cover of my book.

"Yes! Hermione and Ron are so beautiful together." I fangirled

"I know right!" She said excited.

And that is how I became friends with Bell talking about books and crossovers. Bell had friends but she had already seen them all summer , she offered me to hang out on the weekend and I said yes. At least I had 2 friends !

So the day was off and I walked home . And I saw something on the door.It was a new guitar! Of course from Jack Frost . At least he did replace what he broked. But I hated him still.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now