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I was happy with James. He was sweet and cute, and he never lied to me. He was just perfect although I admit his jokes were quite bad and he was way too horny sometimes..

-Yes, Ariel?
-Well, I was thinking that you like singing and I liked singing too so ...
-Just say it!
-Well, the school is presenting a musical : Wicked. And I was really looking forward to it.
-And that has to do with me because?
-Because I want you to come to the auditions with me.
-Ariel, I would really love to but the auditions are on thursday I can't go.
-No , those are the boys auditions , girls are on friday.
-Fine. I'll do it.
Ariel smiled and walked away. I turned around and tripped into someone.we fall and all the papers we had on our hands fall into the ground.
-Are you okey. Tooth right?
-Yeah. Sorry I really wasn't looking were I was going.
-It's okey. I really wasn't either so..
-Shit. I have to go!
She picked up all the papers she could on her hands and I just stayed there in confusion because there was not class. It was recess.

-Elsa! my love said James
-What happened? Are you hurt?
-No. I just tripped.
-Oh okey.
He helped me picked up all the papers on the ground and helped me stand up.
-So. What are you gonna do on Friday?
-Ariel wants to hangout so.. Yeah.
-Oh .. really? because maybe I was thinking that you and me could watch a movie at my house.
-That sounds... Quite romantic but I can't sorry I already promised her that-
-You never can do anything! Elsa, last time it was Anna and this time it's Ariel? Who is it going to be next time.. Frost?
-No! of course not. I promise that next saturday I'll be with you. All day.

He smiled and apologize for loosing his temper.You see he was a sweet boy. He always complemented me. Which sometimes it was just annoying. Because I get sick of listening that I am beautiful or whatever. I want somebody who I can joke with and well James is not like that. But then again I think I was looking for someone like Jack, and that just couldn't happened.

The bell rang and it was time for art class.
We really never do anything at this class just talk.And lucky me I get to talk with Hiccup.
-Hey Elsa!
-Hi Hiccup!
-I miss you, tell me how is Punzie and Anna?
-Very well, why don't you come around anymore?
-Well, It's just that before you. Me, Punzie , The-one-who-most-not-be-named and Merida where in a group called the Big Four but then. You moved in with Anna and Punzie just stopped going to the reunions. And Merida moved back to Scotland. So ..yeah kind of depressed here.
-Oh , Hiccup. You liked Merida didn't you?
-I had a little crush on her. But she was just to wild for me.She wanted to be free and well, I wanted to belong somewhere.
-At that time you where the class wierdo dragon-trainer right?
-Oh, I'm sorry
-Hey, what's that paper over there?
-The pink one. Give it to me.
It was a letter from Tooth to Jack.More kind of like a note.

Dear Frostie:

It has been a week since you asked me to be your girlfriend and I agreed.I was hopping maybe we could not watch a movie at my house on Thursday.


-Jack has a girlfriend?
-Yup, the girl who you just smashed to . Apparently.
-I didn't smashed her. We just tripped.
-Yeah sure... And since when do you care what he does. I thought we was a fucking asshole that can never be trusted ever.
-Well, that doesn't mean I can't gossip about him.
-You are not like that Elsa, tell me what is it's really going on?
-I care okey? and I don't even know why.
-Maybe it's because you love him?
-No! I-I can't I already have James. He is the one who has my heart!
-Maybe but, how can he have your heart when Jack stole it from you first?
-Shut up Hiccup I don't like him. And even if I did he has a girlfriend and he is happy, so just let it go.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now