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I arrived at Elsa's house that afternoon and sadly she wasnt joking about studying,she study like if it was a collage exam. I couldn't take it anymore so I aproched her in order to kiss her but then I looked at her she was asleep with the book opened and her hair all messy so I kissed hrr forehead for a long time and then I decided it was time to leave but before I could touch the door.

-Already leaving? Elsa said kind of jawning.

-Well, I've figure out you were better without me.

-Jack I... No don't..I didn't mean to.. Jack shut up!

she was still dreaming and by the way she looked I guess she is fighting with me and she is sufferingU have to wake her up before she breaks up with me thanks to her dream.So I shook her

-Elsa..Elsa...snowflake.. her eyes opened.

-What? huh? Jack? I am so sorry.

-For what?

-Shouting at you and fighting.

-Snowflake that didn't happend it was only a dream.

-Oh so then I can do this.

And before I knew what was going on she was kissing me like if I had died and resurrected.I love this girl always full of surprises .

-I love you Elsa and I want to run away one day just you and me.

-Oh really.. were would we go?

-The beach?

-I'm not quite sure me and heat make a good conbinaton.

-I think you and a bikini make a great combination.

-Come on Jack do you really think my uncle is going to let me go with you in a vacation?

- Maybe if I asked them nicely perhaps even begging them

-Jack Frost is going to begg for me?

I yook her hand in mine it was cold as usual.

-I would do anything for you and no matter what you do or say I'll always be here for you.

-I love you Jack she said while kissing me. She nearly never say those words so I knew she meant them and I loved her too.I loved her.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now