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I remember it hurt. Looking at her hurt. I saw her with her new boyfriend. Hugging him,laughing with him and the worst. Kissing him! It just felt wrong. It should be me. That boy should be making her smile. It's me who she shall call first every time she had a problem.I was broken hearted for the first time and it felt horrible.

"Every thing is okey man?"Hiccup asked me
"Man it should be me.What did she told you?" I asked worried.
"Well, I spoke to Elsa but before I could finish you name she said :I hate him with the intensity of thousands of suns."He said with an apologetic smile.
"I am fucked." I said frustrated
"Hey! It was not your fault." He said trying to make me feel better.
"Yeah, but she doesn't knows that. Does she?" I said still angry.
"Well, No.. but she will." He said trying to cheer me up again.
"Yeah in thirty years when she marries." I said
"Don't be so negative." He replied giving a palm on the back.
"You know something. I am going to forget about her! I am going to get back to hockey and date a cheerleader and go on with my totally depressing life!" I said excitedly
"That is Jack Frost." He said a little louder
"I am freaking Jack Frost!" I said shouting.
"Hey coach." I said
"Jack! what are you doing here?" He said surprised.
"I am going to sell donuts."I said sarcastically
"Fine. You're in but only because you are one of my best players." He replied raising a brow
"Aww. You do care!" I said walking to the locker rooms.
"Shut up and get in." He shouted behind my back.

I swear I had never hit the biscuit harder in my life all my frustration just got out. It was a relief I love ice!

"Jack!"said a girl
"Tooth!! what are you doing here?" I replied hugging her.
"I heard you were back and I just had to see you." She said and I smiled
"Omg. I missed your smiled so much!" She hugged me.
Then I kissed her and well...
"Tooth?" I said backing up.
"Yes?" She replied and her eyes light up.
"Would you be my girlfriend?" I asked finally
"Dawn yes!!" She said kissing me again.

Tooth was the captain of the cheerleaders. She was hot as hell. She was popular and funny. My sister Sophie liked her a lot. You see...Tooth was my best friend before Punzie but she became a little slutty and well those things are just not for me. She was just perfect for my new beginning.

The bell rang and I had to get to my next class which was Chemistry. Dawn I had to see James and Elsa together. It really did suck to be me.
"Jack, can I talk to you for a minute?"the teacher said
"Yes? Miss Nora?" I asked politely.
"You are failing my class. I am afraid I have to give you a tutor." She said raising an eyebrow.
"So..who is is going to be?"I asked.
"Miss Elsa Winters." She replied
"No. please don't" I begged her
"You left me with no other choice." She said apologetically
"Please there must be something else." I said desperately
"Well, you can have extra credit by.." She started
"By what ? anything else. please." I begged her
"By signing up to the school musical." She finally said
"What?" I said, I couldn't believe this
"You heard me." She said picking up her stuff
"Okey fine . I will audition" I finally said
"See you on Thursday at 7:00" she said with a smile.

Jelsa at High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now