Jenny's Old Friends

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I woke up quite early this morning, earlier than usual. I looked at the clock, 5:00 am. I usually wake up at 6. The park opens at 7.

I role out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, did my makeup, and put on my uniform. I went into the kitchen and looked at the clock, 5:30. Too early for breakfast.

I decided to use the spare time to mess with my hair. I went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I admired my f/c died hair. I noticed you could see my h/c roots. That means I gotta touch them up.

I pulled out my spare f/c hair dye and bleach. I bleached my h/c roots and dyed them f/c. I rinsed it our in the sink and blow fried my hair. All better! (Note that I've never dyed my hair and that I have no idea if what I said is accurate. I'm just going off what I see on YouTube!😄)

I looked at the clock, 6:45. Time for breakfast! I went into the kitchen and saw that Jenny was up and eating cereal.

"Morning Jenny!" I chirped.

"Morning... how long have you been up?" She asked sleepily.

"Since 5," I respond casually as I poor myself a bowl of (your favorite cereal).

"FIVE! Gurl! Work doesn't start till 7!" She shouts shocked.

"Heh, I know... at least I don't wake up 15 minutes before work," I retaliate.

"Hey! 15 minutes is the perfect time to get ready!" She snorts.

"Mmhmm," I hum.

We quickly finish the rest of our cereal, Jenny gets dressed and we leave for work.

Blaze's POV
"STARLIGHT MAIN LAND PARK TIME!!!!" Aphmau shouts as we get off the boat.

"Babe, calm down," Alpha says grabbing Aph's hand.

"BUT IT'S' OUR LAST DAY AARON! WE GOTTA MAKE THE MOST OF IT!!!" she cheers pulling him towards the park.


"I WANNA GO ON ROLLER COASTERS!" shouts the Garroth dude.

"Garroth, stop acting like a buffoon," grumbled scarfy bro.

"Lighten up Scary Bro!" I laugh.

"GRRR!" Scarfy dude growls.

"Zane, sweety, calm down! Have fun!" Said pinky chan.

"Ok, sorry babe," he responds giving her a kiss.

"OMG MY SHIP! I'VE BEEN SHIPPING THIS SINCE DAY 1!" shouts a miefwa with black ears and hot pink hair.

"MAGIC GET BACK HERE! YOU ARE BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!" shouts a blonde werewolf chasing the miefwa girl away.

"I have no clue what just happened but I think we should go on some rides!" Says Dottie optimistically.

"YE!" shouts Daniel.

"How many?" I ask a short woman with raven hair and amber eyes.

"Uhh I think nine," she responds.

"Ok, right this way," I respond with a smile.

They fallow me out but then one boy in their group pauses.

"JENNY?" he asks.

"OMG AARON!" Jenny responds excitedly.

*gasp*"JENNY!" shouts the girl with raven hair.

"APHMAU!" Jenny responds. She runs down and hugs them both.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"These are my friends from college!" Responds Jenny excitedly.

"Cool! Hi I'm y/n! A friend of Jenny's!" I say shaking their hands.

"Hi!" They say happily.

"Sorry brake up this reunion but J kinda wanna go on a ride," says a man with dark hair and a mask.

"Right! Sorry! Go on your ride! We can meet up at the *insert café name here* later, say about 9?" Asks Jenny.

"Perfect! See you then!" Says the girl called Aphmau.

"Bye!" Jenny waves.

I seat their large group then another group of 3. Jenny does her usual talky thingy before sending then off. We then continue with our shift as normal.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter of photograph! There are a few things I wanna go over before I go. First of all, this story does not match up with Aphmau's storyline. Yes, it takes place in the same place, has the same characters, and has some of the same ideas. However, all that stuff with Garroth didn't happen, he whole Zach and Elizabeth thing is different, and the overall outcome is different. Second, the title of the story is a song that I suggest you listen to. Thanks for reading, I love you all! WackyWolf AWAY! *flies out of starlight wonderland boat*
Word count: 753

Song story is named after:

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