Forever Potion

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Blaze's POV
"Where'd he go?" Aaron coughs.

"I don't know! But where ever it is, Y/N is with him," Aphmau croaks.

"There's no saving her now," Derrick says in a serious tone.

"What do you mean?" Kaitlyn asks, fear ringing clear in her voice.

"Zach and Elizabeth probably already got her on their side. If not willingly, then through a forever potion," Mrs. Lycan answers.

"No!" I breath out angrily.

Just then, five people move towards us. I quickly recognize one of them being Terry. Then I notice Y/N. She's standing next to a blue haired werewolf. He's got his arm wrapped around her waist. Next to them is a blue haired woman who kinda looks like Kaitlyn, and a black haired man who kinda looks like Aphmau. They must be their parents.

"Look!" Travis calls out the group moving towards us.

As the get closer, I notice Terry has a sword. This isn't gonna be good.

"Y/N!" Aphmau cries as she notices the f/c haired werewolf.

Y/N glanced at her, but doesn't respond. She just stands there, an unreadable expression on her face. What's wrong with her! Then I notice her eyes. They are a lime green color instead of their usual beautiful e/c.

"It's no use," The blue haired werewolf hissed, "she's one of us now!"

"Y/N?" I gaze at her, my heart breaking.

She gives me a half hearted glance before kissing the blue haired werewolf.

"No!" I cry out in anger.

I push forward to tackle the werewolf, but Travis pulls me back.

"It's no use! She's under a forever potion," Travis says sadly.

The potion leaves my vision tinted green. I cant move or speak. My mind is fuzzy. I cant think straight.

"Now, will you join us?" My dad growls.

"Yes," I answer unintentionally.

I didn't want to say that! Why did I say that? What is wrong with me!

"Who is your one true love?" The blue haired werewolf asks.

"You, Ein," I answer.

How do I know his name! Why did I say that? I love Blaze!

"Ein!" My mother shouts in an annoyed tone.

"What? You ask me to make you a potion to turn her to your side, and I did. I just put in some perks for me," he responds innocently.

My mom rolls her eyes and my dad shakes his head. "Lets just go," he grumbles.

They leave the room and I follow, even though I don't want to. We pass Michael, who is holding a sword. He gets in line with us. Ein wraps his arm around my waist.

"So she joined?" Michael asks as we go outside.

"With the help of a potion," my dad sighed.

"It's such a shame she didn't join willingly," Michael continues, "she had such pretty eyes.

"They'll return to their normal color in a few days, when the potion become permanent," Ein informs.

Michael nods and we keep walking. We soon near a familiar place and I see familiar people. I soon realize it's all my friends.

I want to run to them but I can't. My legs wont let me. I physically can't run to them. Only walk next to Ein.

"Y/N!" Aphmau cries when she notices us.

I glance at her, but can't do much more. I want to run and hug her, but I can't. I can only glance.

"It's no use! She's one of us now!" Ein hissed.

I wanted to slap that evil smirk off his face. I am NOT one of them and I will NEVER be.

"Y/N?" I hear Blaze whisper.

I turn my gaze at him. But only for a split second. I can't look at him for longer than a moment. But in that moment I see sadness, confusion, and frustration in his eyes.

Then, with out realizing it, I turn and kiss Ein. I don't know why I did it. I didn't want to do it. But I did.

"No!" I hear Blaze shout as we pull apart.

I turn and see Blaze being pulled back by Travis. I see hurt and anger in his eyes. It pains me to see him in pain.

"It's no use," Travis murmurs, "She's under a forever potion."

"This ends NOW!" Derrick shouts angrily.

My dad smirks,

"Then let the battle begin."

Word Count: 732

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