Second Date Kiss

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I ran to the door and opened it. Standing outside I saw Terry. Terry? What's he doing here?

"Hey! Y/N!" He says happily.

"Umm hi Terry... what are you doing here?" I asked him confused.

"Oh, well my son is out with his girlfriend, everyone else has something or another to do, so I thought I'd ask you guys to chill!" He answered hopefully.

"Oh, well umm, I'd love to but... I... uh... have a date..." I answer embarrassed.

"A date? With who?" He asks a bit harshly.

"Oh, well... I'm going on my second date with Blaze!" I answer enthusiastically.

"Oh, I see have fun," he says with a smile. As he turns away he says do quietly, "I gotta tell Zach."

"What was that last part?" I ask him curiously.

"Oh! Uh, Nothing! I'll be going now! Have fun!" He says before quickly shuffling away.

I wave goodbye and then shut the door. The moment I sit down the door rings again. I leap up and answer the door. It's Blaze. He's got his swim trunks on with a t-shirt.

"Hey! You look good!" He greets.

I blush.

"Y-You too. Why you wearing your swimsuit?" I say nervously.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you! We're going to Starlight's water parks today for our date," he answers.

I perk up and smile, "Awesome! Let me grab my swimsuit."

I run into my room an grab the only stylish thing I own, my swimsuit. I scurry into the bathroom and put it on.

"Let's go!" I shout as I run out the door.

"Have fun love birds!" Jenny calls as we leave.

I rolled my eyes as we walked away from the house boat thing. We hopped on a speed boat and sped off in the direction of the water park.

Eventually we arrived at the giant water park. It was beautiful. I've been here before. Back when I worked on the boats. That was when I first started working here.

"I wanna go on all the rides!" Blaze shouted.

"That would take a month!" I giggle.

He roles his eyes and laughs.

"I'm serious!" I say which makes him laugh harder.

"Where do you wanna go first?" He asks.

"WAVE POOL! It is HUGE!" I shout excitedly.

"Off to the wave pool!" He shouts just as excitedly as me.

We splash and play in the wave pool for a little bit. It was fun. Blaze threw me into a giant wave! The wave threw me back into Blaze.

After we went on a couple of water slides. It was fun! Especially when I made Blaze go on the 'Math Lovers Nightmare' (I made it up. It's supposed to be a slide that is super tall with a very steep drop!).

After that we went to dinner at the 'Pirate's Diner.' They served great cheese burgers but I decided to get the F/F.

Just before sunset Blaze and I got back on the speed boat and made our way back to the main Island.

"Too bad we didn't get to go on all the slides," Blaze said sadly.

"Hey! We went on, like, 10! That's a lot!" I argue.

"But you said earlier that it was only 1/100 of the rides there!" He complained.

I giggle in response. We spend the rest if the ride chatting about the days events.

When we arrive back at my boat, we stand outside for a bit. Sitting in silence. Watching the flashes of light from fireworks in the distance. It was peaceful.

"I had fun today," I murmur breaking the silence.

"Me to," he responds.

"So, I'll see you around?" I say in a questioning tone.

"Yea," he answers with a smile.

We stand there gazing into each other's eyes. He starts to lean closer. Butterflies fly around my stomach. I can feel his breath on my face. I close my eyes preparing for the moment. Then it happens. Our lips lock. I instantly kiss back. It was magical, like fireworks going off around us.

When we pull apart he watches me with a smile. I return it.

"I'll see you around," He whispers before walking off into the night.

I wave good bye. I open my door and walk inside. I close the door and sigh. What an amazing day with Blaze.

What's up dogs!Wacky Wolf here! Yet another great chapter. Y/N and Blaze kissed! Yay! So I mad a new book, it's a Laurence x reader. It  called Sister Christian! Go check it out! Luv you all so much! Wacky Wolf AWAY! *jumps out Magic's window*
Word count: 778

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