A Week's Vacation

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I woke up at approximately 9:45 AM. I walk into the kitchen to see Jenny cooking.

"Good morning Y/N!" She says enthusiastically.

"Hi Jenny! Why are you so cheerful?" I ask as she skips around the kitchen.

"Yesterday, I talked to our boss and asked him if we could take a weeks vacation," she began excitedly.

I perked up, "And? What did he say?"

"He said sure thing!" She squealed.

We then danced and cheered around the room singing Celebrate.

"Anyway, want some waffles?" Jenny asks as we settle down.

"Don't mind if I do!" I say sitting down.

She brings me a plate of delicious waffles. She then grabs hers and joins me.

"So what're you up to today?" Jenny asks as she takes another bite of waffle.

"I've actually got my second date with Blaze,"I respond as Jenny tales a sip of milk.

"Second Date!?" Jenny shouts spitting out her milk, "since when did you have a first date?"

"A few days ago... you were working," I answer nervously.

"So that's why you came home so late on Friday night!" She squeals.

I nod my head nervously. I knew I was blushing. This was such an embarrassing topic!

"What time is your date?" Jenny then asks.

"Noon," I answer.

"NOON!" Jenny screeches.

I nod my head slowly,  "Yes noon."

"Girl! It's 11:00! You need to get ready!" Jenny shouts.

Have we really been sitting here that long? I guess so. I clean up my plate and hop in the shower.

When I'm out I put on an orange t-shirt and some short shorts. I do my makeup and curl my hair slightly. Now I'm ready.

I exit the bathroom and see Jenny watching TV. When I walk out she turns towards me.

"Oh My God! What are your wearing!" Jenny shouts appalled.

"Umm some comfy clothes for my date," I answer.

"You cant NOT! Wear that!" She says.

"Now wear have I heard that? Oh yea! You said the same thing when we met your friends," I grumble.

"That just shows you need a new wardrobe!" Jenny shouts enthusiastically.

I roll my eyes in response.

"Come on! I'll take you shopping tomorrow!" She chirps.

I roll my eyes again, "whatever."

"Great! Now put on whatever you want!" Jenny shouts before leaving me in her closet again.

I go through the clothes and decide on a pink crop top with white short shorts.

"This better?" I ask as I leave Jenny's closet.

Then the doorbell rings. I go to open it and see...

CLIFFHANGER! I've always wanted to do one of those! Anyway, what's up dogs! WackyWolf here! So yea, cliff hanger! Sorry! It's short but it's also got a cliffhanger so YE! Also I didn't update Mystreet Facebook because I'm Lazy. You'll see it Thursday tho because on Friday I'm doing a volunteer thing at my school. So yeah that's my life. I luv you all! WackyWolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*
Word Count: 505

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