Post Kiss Stress Disorder

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"YOU WHAT!?!?"

"We kissed..." I answered an excited Jenny.

"OMG!!!" Jenny squealed.

I felt heat rise to my cheeks. She's making a scene! Or at least she would be if we were out in public.

"I-It's no big deal," I stammer.

"It's a HUGE deal!" Jenny shouts, " it means he actually likes you!"

"H-he does?" I ask.

She nods frantically. My hearts starts to race. I'm panicking.

"Oh my Irene. He actually likes," I say in a panicked voice.

"What's wrong?" Jenny asks noticing my change in attitude.

"I'm freaking out!" I gasp.

"Oh, PKSD," she says in a 'duh' voice.

"What?" I asked.

"PKSD. Post Kiss Stress Disorder," she answers smartly.

"That's not a thing," I grumble.

"It is in Jenny land!" She answers enthusiastically

I smile at her weirdness. Then start to hyperventilate again.

"So what are the symptoms of 'PKSD'?" I ask in deep breaths.

"Fear, Denial, Acceptance, and Excitement," she answers causally.

"Oh My Irene! What can I do?" I say nervously.

"Talk it out to your girlfriends, spend time with your girls, avoid him until your confident," she answers.

"Great! So where do we get girls?" I ask.

Jenny bursts out laughing. I start to laugh as I realize what I said.

"That sounded wrong!" Jenny shouts through laughs.

I nod happily. I don't feel that stressed anymore. It's working.

"We need more friends!" I shout.

"Wow! Rude!" Jenny laughs.

"We gotta have a girls day!"

"OMG Y/N that's a brilliant idea!"

"I'll call Kaitlyn you call Aph!"

"Got it!"

~5 Minutes Later~

"What did Aph say?" I asked as Jenny hung up the phone.

"YES! How about Kaitlyn?" She squealed back.

"She said she 'of course'!" I cheered.

"It'll be the best girls day EVER!"

What's up dogs! Wacky Wolf is BACK! Back with a short chapter but back nevertheless. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Next one will be out next Tuesday. Luv you all! Wacky Wolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*
Word Count: 338

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