Chapter 1

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A/N just a quick saying, this is human version. Just to be clear on this story. Let's begin.

Prince Chase stared outside the
window, gazing outside, into the rising sun in the sky at just 6 in the morning, thinking about his morning escape to the Forest, which was strictly forbidden and almost nobody dared to go near. He remembered, two hours before his lessons started, he saw blonde hair and dazzling pink eyes on him. "Wait! Hold on please come back!." he yelled but the person was long gone and all that was left was a small letter in dainty handwriting saying "To Prince Chase of Sola". He tucked it in his pocket and decided to read it later. His brown hair was all messy, due to waking up early. His brown eyes, eager for a small distraction from lesson. His blue top wrinkling while his breeches were not making an improvement. "Young master, please pay attention! I bet you anything that you haven't payed attention about the Great War between Sola and Demour. " Chase sat up to see a face looking at him. Chase reluctantly sat up and looked at his mentor, Ryder. "Do we have to do this every single day Prince Chase? Really for about 13 years and you're not up to this?" Ryder gazed at him sternly. "Yeah. You know why! Because it's stuff that makes me fall asleep and strategies that I'm never going to us." Chase said impatiently. Ryder wanted best for this young prince but it was almost impossible for Chase to pay attention. Chase had turned 18 almost a month ago and in about 2 months would be his coronation and take the kings place. But after teaching Chase ever since Chase was 5 he knew Chase was heading for disaster in the kindgom. "Chase, I don't want to call your father after what happened last time." Chase laughed. He, along with his bodyguard and best friend Marshall, not so long ago, played a trick on King Malcolm, Chase's father. They placed a pie under his seat while at a banquet and then threw a pie at his face and that placed Chase in a very serious consequence and more lessons. "Chase, this is serious." Ryder said sternly. "Ever since he was diagnosed with a very serious sickness, you know what to do. Respect that." He sighed. "Yes, I know about that. He says he's going to die almost every half an hour. He's going to outlive us all" Ryder frowned. He knew this young man meant well and he was meant to rule, decided that Chase could take a break. "Chase, if we finish early, I could give you no essays and let you roam around the grounds for a while and don't try to make me regret this." That got all the Chase's attention and he began to pay attention even more. (About 1%) After his reading comprehension, Ryder began to dismiss him. Ryder watched carefully to make sure he gets an extra hour of lessons tomorrow. Chase walked out and out came Marshall. "Whoa! WATCH OUT!" Marshall yelled as an arrow came out of control. Marshall had came from a long line of royal guards in his family. His father protected the king. His grandfather protected the other king and so on until the beginning of time. It was a very noble and very high rank to be in. He had light blue eyes, easy to stare at. He had black hair with streaks of white. It was natural, ever since he was born. He wore a guard suit, for what all guards wear while on duty with the kingdoms sign. A star. "Marshall! How are
you doing?" Chase asked. "Very fine Prince Chase." "Marshall." Chase began. "Please, call me by my real name. The only time you call me "your majesty" "your highness" or whatever freaking dumb stuff is around my dad and other people. " Marshall sighed "Sorry Chase." "No need to be sorry. Come on, let's go to the village square before Ryder changes his mind." Marshall agreed and they headed off. Chase and Marshall settled on out to the village where almost everyone knew him. Either in person or they see him escape his lessons every single darn day. They stopped near an old peddler who sold almost anything fake or close to reality. "Hey Frank! How is it going?" the peddler looked around and smiled his toothless grin. "Why, very good Prince Chase, Marshall. I have what you needed." Chase smiled. "Thanks Frank! So now?" Frank got a small scroll and Chase opened it. It was a picture of what might the princess of Demour might look like. Nobody in Sola had ever saw the princess of Demour. She could be thick or thin. Muscles or dainty. Tomboy or girly girl. Blonde or brunette. Wild or fancy. Nobody knew. All they remembered was the princess was only 5 when she lost her family and was never seen again from everyone including the people of Demour. "Thanks Frank. We better be off." Chase and Marshall began off back into the village square.


Princess Skye looked out into the garden in her backyard from her balcony. Her beautiful blonde hair contrasting against the rising sun, a pale pink dress, not too fancy, to match her complexion, her bright pink eyes, looking around but, all was the same ever since she was a little girl. Above the palace walls, she saw, just slightly, saw a small family, a mother, father, a daughter and two sons, heading toward the village. She sighed. "Well, at least they have a better life than me." Ever since her family died, she was under the custody of her aunt Marinda, who was the duchess until her mother and father died. Skye's father was king and her mother was a duchess and later became queen after the marriage. She remembered when she would always played with Alana, Kristi,  and Maya, playing dolls, or rolling in the mud with Carson. (Which with serious consequences with her parents) Until the unfaithful day happened.
She never remembered it well. She was only about 4 or 5 years old when King Arthur and Queen Miranda were pronounced dead. She and her siblings cried horribly. Then, almost a week later, her siblings died in an ambush. She felt like it was her fault if Alana wasn't there to save her and hide her from enemies from Sola. If she had only took the arrow for her, Alana might have lived. Funerals, so much funerals.
After her small flashback Everest, her handmaiden and lady in waiting came in with platinum blonde hair, cascading down her back, dressed in a nice, formal, purple down. Something what the villagers might wear. "So Skye. Ready for lessons today?" Everest asked uneasily. Earlier, she was asked by the queen to send Skye down immediately. "Yeah I guess so."
Then came in Rubble, Skye's tutor and future advisor. "Umm excuse me Miss Everest, but Princess Skye is to report down to the throne room before she goes down for her French and dance lessons." He said. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier." Everest said as she let Skye exit. "It's okay Everest. Really." Skye knew she was going to get in trouble after what she did yesterday.
Queen Marinda sat high into the throne, with very perfect posture. She had dark black eyes, on contrast with her sister Miranda's green eyes. Spectacles on her long, but smooth nose. She had black raven hair, all kept in a very neat bun, no hair out of place, a long emerald green dress covered everything of herself, including her feet, invisible to be seen. Everything in and on her was in perfect order but, it was very opposite to her young niece. Her advisor, Rocky, was next to her. Rocky knew he was a bit young to be an advisor to the queen, despite only being 18. He excelled in all his classes as a young boy and came from a very wealthy family. "Excuse me your majesty but, do you think the punishment for the princess was very harsh, it wasn't really necessary." Marinda gave him a very harsh look and that made Rocky quiet. Skye came in, remembering what steps to take. As she reached her aunt she tried intimidating her aunts posture. "So Skye, care to explain yourself after what you did this morning at almost 4 in the morning?" Every word was like ice but very swift and regal like. Skye stood up straighter than ever before. "I understand the consequences." Skye started, trying to imitate her aunt's speech but has had no success. "But I was wrong. I know it is very unladylike like to do that. I underestimated my power and I'm very sorry."
Marinda was not taking that for an answer. "Sorry is not enough Skye. As future queen, you should not make almost any errors in anything." Skye was not getting anything. It was the same old thing. Be majestic. Be royalty. You're better than this. Marinda stopped. "As punishment, you'll be locked in your room until your birthday, which is in three days. Also there will be less food, more lessons and essays, I will lock the doors and windows to assure you won't escape. You will think about it. The only exception t I'll make is that you may leave is for you French and dance lessons. Do you understand me?" Skye bowed her head, tears in her eyes. "Yes Aunt Marinda. I understand." Her aunt looked at her like Skye was her sister. "You are dismissed." Skye walked to her French lesson thinking what she has done. All she wanted was to invite someone special to meet.

A/N So this is a new story. And it might be a bit of long chapters to begin. It's a forbidden love story. Again this is the human version of how I would have imagined it. This took me (actually I lost count) about 5 to a week long. Oh and I'm trying to make a cover for this.  Bye 👋

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