Chapter 5

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The next day, it was like almost Chase couldn't think or do anything straight. He kept bonking into things, his mind somewhere else, and ignoring everyone. "Now... During meetings with minsters, priests, dukes,..." and that was all Chase could hear from Ryder that morning. Chase kept a dumb smile on his face but his mind was somewhere else. About a particular girl last night. Her golden blonde hair blowing into a breeze, her big, sparkling eyes in his. Her soothing, gentle, breezing voice, able to calm almost any creature around and he was missing her by the hour. He couldn't understand what was happening. He was very sure of most things he knew but this time, he wasn't.

He sighed, and slumped back into his chair. Marshall was right there on his post and staring outside the window. Ryder looked up and said "Chase. I hoped you paid attention. I bet you 5 pounds of gold if you listened of what happened. "Chase sighed. "Please Ryder, keep the gold." Ryder was a bit puzzled. "Then I'll rip up that scroll from the village." "Go ahead." That really surprised Ryder. "I mean it." "Still Ryder. Go ahead. I won't need them anymore." Ryder who looked at Marshall shrugged. Then Chase thought. "Why would I need them anymore when I have the real thing?" None of the artists or people who thought had never gotten to the real princess. No laughter or dance represented that girl in the paintings but in real life. Why was she different from his other friends. Was it her looks? Her personality? Chase groaned. Ryder was a bit puzzled and worried at the same time. "This may be an improvement. Maybe he realized how the people of Demour actually behaved. But Chase... We need to pay attention." Chase looked up. "Ryder, may I be excused for the rest of the day?" Ryder shook his head. "Maybe in 30 minutes, but now, pay attention." Chase got up and just went to his room and Ryder didn't do anything about it. "That boy. Always full of something. He's more like his mother" Ryder thought. Chase laid on his bed. He looked around. In one place there was his tux from yesterday. In another he could see his mother's blanket. His mother. He might have to ask his father later. In another, he can imagine Skye and he were dancing, laughing and blushing. "I can't take it anymore! What is with me. If dad finds out. Who knows what will happen." Chase closed his eyes and dreamed.
After Skye's birthday, all she could do is dream. When someone was talking to her, all they got was a "huh?" and "yeah okay." from her. But the silence came a price, because she wasn't aware where she was anymore. Rubble claimed that when they were practicing French, she spoke English. At her ballet lessons, Everest saw that when they were at dance lessons, she put her shoes on the wrong feet but, that wasn't all. Rocky and Rubble had to help her down three flights of stairs, Queen Marinda saw her chew a spoon when their dinner was soup, so, everyone agreed that it was the people of Sola. Especially Prince Chase.

"And she was like uh huh and that was it!" Everest said as she was brushing Skye's hair, talking about a woman in the town square. "Can you believe those types of people." Usually, Skye would agree but as well, she wasn't listening. "If only I could see and hear him again. " Skye thought. She looked down at her necklace and looked at the sun and cloud. She sighed. The sun must have represented how warm and playful as the summer day Chase is. She remembered how he entered and the present and the lesson and... How she wanted to repeat it over again.

"Earth to Skye? Earth to Skye?! Skye! Anyone there?" Skye snapped back to reality. "Oh hey Eve, did you say anything?" That was it. "Skye? You've been distant lately. It's like you're there but not there at the same time!" Everest sat next to her. "Please Skye, I'm your BFF. You can tell me anything. Now, what's on your mind now?" Skye paused. She took a breath and began "Everest, was there ever a time that you had someone in your life. They just make you happy and you can relax around them. But then they leave and you're sad. But when your sad, that makes you happy you know." Everest felt a bit confused. "I need more info Skye." "He's like a prince charming. You begin to have a strong feeling here." Skye pointed to her heart. "And when he is gone, you're like a type of sad-happy but when he's there. You're complete." Everest was a bit confused still but when she saw Skye looking at her necklace, everything made sense. Everest began to lock the door, close the curtains and made sure everything is good. Skye was the closest to a sister (since she had three brothers) so she needed everything to be perfect."So..." Everest began. "This guy makes you feel like you're important." "Yea!" Skye said as she gazed on the ceiling.

Everest: "Do you remember how Prince Chase gave you your present?"

Skye: "How could I forget? The necklace was beautiful! I love it!"

Everest: "How he danced?"

Skye: "It was like walking on a cloud and he learned very quickly!"

Everest: "He was very sweet wasn't he?"

Skye: "He was super kind! He called me beautiful!

Everest: "You could breath around him?'

Skye: "Even in the tightest of clothes, I could relax!"

"She's close." Everest thought.

Everest: "He left an impression on you. Didn't he?"

Skye: "Well Everest, he could leave one on everyone!"

She could remember everything like it was a second ago. "The way he smiled, it warmed me, even though it was cold. It's like the sun itself. And his eyes! I could drown in them! They were so inviting! His voice was full of playfulness! His hands were rough but they felt fine with me!

Everest: "Wouldn't it be great if you can talk to him again?"

Skye: "Mmhh."

Everest: "And go dancing?"

Skye: *lost in thought again*

Everest: "And to KISS him? Every thing else people in love do?"

That got Skye. "Love!" Skye yelled and that was the loudest yell of them all. Everest smirked. "Do I have to spell it for you? L-O-V-E. LOVE!" Skye's cheeks were hot red and was like a volcano. "Skye, I know you love Prince Chase. Your face says it all!" "But Eve! He's a... I'm a"

"It's impossible!"
"You can!"
"It can't!"
Skye was shaking badly. She had to admit it. She was in love and there's nothing she can do about it. She was in love with the prince of Sola.

"I knew it!" Everest squealed. "A Forbidden Love! I knew this would happen and you had to go for the prince of Sola!" Skye was horrified and happy at the same time. "I didn't mean to! It was an accident!"

Everest shook her head. "Skye, it was never a mistake! Your heart chose him for a reason. Forget about your birthday. The wedding will go in history!" "Wedding?!" Skye screeched. "Of course Skye! You'll be Mrs. Chase." Skye looked red as pasta sauce and buried her head in the pillow. "Everest! My aunt would freak out! You know how she reacted when he came! I need help!" Everest just smiled. "And I know the perfect person who can help... Zuma!" Skye was a bit puzzled. "Zuma? The head guard? How can he help?" Everest looked a bit surprised. "He's great at romance. After doing his duty, he goes to his brother's club "Night Dude" and stays there until the next day." Skye was shocked "Wow. Do you think he can really help us?" Everest nodded. "Cmon. Let's go!" Skye hesitates. "But lessons start in one hour!" "Forget about it! This is way more important. Besides it's only review for your test tomorrow. Who has lessons at 8 PM?" Skye nodded. "But how will we get away?" Everest smirked. "I know a secret passage to go through." "Okay. Let's go after one thing." "What?" Everest asked. "Do you like Chase's bodyguard, Marshall?" Everest blushed. "Ummm... I guess so. He's really nice and charming and..." Skye laughed. "Okay, let's go before you turn into me!" Everest went to the far corner of the room and lifted the corner of the rug to reveal and small trapdoor. "If you ever need to go somewhere, come here. Just make sure your aunt doesn't find out. She knows one or two secret doors so far." Skye nodded. "Then why are they here?" "In case of emergencies." Everest explained. Both ladies began to go down the steps to find a small tunnel. As they walked for about two minutes, Everest opened a small door and both entered the village.

A/N wow that took me a bit of editing to do this but I managed. Just over 1,500 WORDS! For far,

How are Skye and Chase going to meet? Again?

How will each guardian react?

When will I get pizza! (Jk)

Bye 👋!

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