Chapter 7

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"But isn't that dangerous? I mean yeah you can handle it but it's pretty much dangerous at night, especially something like this!" Marshall said. Chase sighed. This was ,and might be, his last and only chance. "I can't do this anymore Marshall. I have to. It's too much for me. I want to see her again." Marshall opened his mouth to argue but closed it. "I hope I can help you in anyway." "The only way you can help is to keep my secret and not tell anyone. Please Marshall, you're the only one I can trust!" Marshall then agreed and then Chase began to put on some sneakers and a jacket." I'll be back soon." Marshall nodded. "Good luck buddy." With that Chase ran from the palace and into the village night. He crosses in the Forest and slips into the night and Demour.
Queen Marinda sat again in her throne, rubbing her forehead. Rocky noticed. "Your highness, are you sick by any chance." Marinda shook her head. "No Rocky, please I'm fine." Rubble came in. "You called your majesty?" he said as he bowed. "Yes, I did and need to ask you both something." She took a deep breath. "Do any of you know about Aiden Hoffmann?" Rubble shook his head but Rocky. "Aiden Hoffmann is the nephew of King Victor and is the son of Lady Arista. He's going to be duke soon. No criminal record but was mean to a young girl." Marinda nodded. "You both may be dismissed." Rubble left but Rocky knew something. "Since my father was the last advisor," Rocky said. "I remember him saying that Sir Aiden was Skye's playmate when she was little. By any chance, are you making him a choice for Skye's husband?" She nodded. "I'm planning to invite Mr. Hoffmann to stay with us and how he interacts with Skye. If this works, I might arrange a marriage between them. If not, then I'll see later." Rocky nodded and then left the room with the Queen on her throne not sure about anything.
Skye was in her pajamas, wearing a white tank that said in pink word "Sky is the limit" and had white pajama pants with pink polka dots. She looked out the window with a lot of thoughts in her head. "I wish Chase was here." she thought as she looked out. Every night she would look at a star and make a wish that she would see Chase again. One part of her wanted to get rid of seeing him but the other side was aching with desire and want to see him again. As much as these feelings were hard, she regretted to forget them. She wanted to dance with him. Heck, he called her beautiful. The way with his quirky personality. This was too much to forget. She began to braid her hair and then looked at the garden below her balcony. It had beautiful flowers her mother had planted. After she died, Skye took care of them the best as she could. Almost all the flowers were pink, blue, white, and yellow with one orange flower in the middle of them all, symbolizing that even though everyone might be the same, one could be different. She turned to go to bed until she heard a small grunt outside. She looked and a silhouette appeared and she stopped dead. The silhouette moved closer and closer and then her heart began to pound wildly as the silhouette was none other than Prince Chase. She looked out and there was Chase. A million thought spined around her head. He's here! Why is he here? Did that wish come true? Did anyone catch him? Were some examples of the thought she had. He was just in a blue sweatshirt and blue pajama pants with some sneakers and looking up at her balcony. Then Skye came back to her self. She wasn't wearing makeup, "clothes", or anything much but her pajamas and began to freak out.

On the other hand, Chase thought she could never look more beautiful. He began to climb up the wall to get to her balcony. What do I say to her? He thought. You're hot? Gorgeous? Sexy?! That's too much and that you look pretty is an understatement! He just shook his head and kept on climbing. Chase made it to the top and they both looked at each other and Skye's face was full of pink while Chase was full of red. Is this my imagination or is this reality? They both thought. "Hey Princess!" Chase said as he landed in Skye's bedroom. Skye ran into him a gave him a giant hug not wanting anything to ruin the moment. "Woah! I love to be here too." He loves being here? With ME?! Skye thought. "Umm, thanks for being here Prince Chase."

Chase: Maybe we should drop the titles. It's to much. Just call me Chase.

Skye: And you can just call me Skye. Come sit here.
(Skye pointed to her bed and Chase sat there with Skye next to him.
Skye: But are you sure we have to drop our titles for this time?

Chase: Yes and this are going to change since I'll going to be king in an month or so.

Skye: How?

Chase: Well one thing, I want to combine the two kingdoms together nothing between us. There's still a few things to solve but I think I could handle it. You have no idea how I missed you

Skye: You have no idea either.

Chase: I got away from the palace and the entire village square so I could see you. Maybe... We could... Do this again?

Skye's face was red hot and then said

Skye: Oh yes please. Also I have another secret.

Chase's eyebrows raised up to his curiosity.

Skye: There's some secret passage ways I use with my lady in waiting to sneak out of the castle with.

Chase: You sneak out? Not that I'm curious but you don't seem like the type of person that would sneak out.

Skye: Well, now you know something else about me

Chase *laughs* Yea

Both were there silent for a while and their faces were about to explode with love. Then Skye began to clear her throat

Skye: I'm really interested in the Sola kingdom

Chase: I'm the same way for the Demour kingdom. I want to know everything.

Skye: Well ask away

Chase: Well for one thing. Why is there an orange flower in the middle of all those flowers

Skye began to laugh as she explained her mother's garden and her traditions, family, friends, customs and many other things. It got to Chase's turn as he mostly explained the same things in his ways. As they were next to each other, their bond began to grow. It was like they could talk for hours and many more." We should do this more often." Chase said as he lied on Skye's bed. "Yea! But how, some nights we might not." Skye said as she lied next to him. "Your right. My dad would get suspicious."  Skye smiled. "Maybe we could. I'll wait near the secret passage and if you knock softly, I'll open and we could do this again." "Yea." Chase agreed. As the sun began to rise both of them seemed to notice and Chase began to panic. "Oh no! I forgot about the time and I promised Marshall I'll get back in time!" "Wait. Isn't Marshall your bodyguard?" Chase nodded. "His family served for years and he's my best friend. He really likes your lady in waiting Everest." Skye smirked. "Maybe we should put them on a blind date." Chase agreed and Skye took him to the secret passage way. "Just go straight and once you see a latch, open it and it'll take you to the farthest part of the kingdom. Chase smiled "Thanks Skye." and kissed her on the cheek. He couldn't help it and he ran down the passage way blushing. Skye's jaw dropped down to the floor and blushed as well. She made it back to her bed, blushing and hoping for another hour night of sleep and dreamed about Chase.

A/N ... I have nothing to say but this. What do you want for Christmas? For me, I want something special. Also from the result of the cake. Iluvskye or brosafyxqz1 didn't win the cake so I ate it. 😁 Anyways

Bye 👋

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