Chapter 9

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The alarm began to ring and Chase got up groggily, now knowing where he was. He saw Skye next to him, cuddling. He smiled as the alarm didn't wake her so he might as well do it himself. "Skye," he said "Skye. Wake up." and to his horror, Skye was covered in blood. "SKYE! Who did this to you!" and he heard giggling behind him. To his horror Sweetie was there, holding a gun.

Chase: Sweetie what did you do?!

Sweetie: I knew you were going out with this filthy girl. I'm a real girl and you need to go with me. Oh the poor people of Demour, what will happen with their poor petty princess? It will be your fault and it'll cause a new war. For safe measures. I'm killing your girlfriend and you so I can finally rule. Goodbye Chase

Sweetie pulled the trigger and a gunshot filled the air. Leaving Chase dead among Skye.

"No!" Chase said as he panted heavily and looked around. No Sweetie, no gun, just Skye and himself. "Chase? What happened?" He saw Skye next to him without any blood. He got up and hugged her, putting his fingers in her hair. "Skye, thank goodness you're alright!" Skye looked him in the eyes. "Chase don't worry, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." and she gave him a small peck on the lips. "We're both up. We might as well get going." Skye said as she got up. "Yea we might." and both Chase and Skye rolled up the blankets and got up from the hidden bunker. They got back to Skye's room before anyone noticed. "Are you sure it'll be okay. I don't want you to get hurt." Skye said. "I'll be fine Skye. I did this many times." he gave her a small kiss and headed down the tunnel.
Chase got back as fast as he can back to the palace before anyone woke up. As he got to his bed, he pretended to be asleep. Fifteen minutes later he woke up again to go to breakfast.

Sweetie and the king were there talking and looking at Chase. Chase joined the table.

Malcolm: Chase

Chase: Yes dad

Malcolm: Sweetie just told me that you sneak out of your bedroom.

Chase: What? That's not true dad

Sweetie: Oh yeah, what about this. *whips phone out and plays the video of him sneaking out*

Chase: How did you get this?

Sweetie: Easy, I went to your room and found you out the window. I'm surprised you haven't noticed.

Malcolm: Chase, explain

Chase knew he can't tell his dad, let alone Sweetie about his affair with Skye so he had to come up with something more classic

Chase: I went to walk around

Malcolm: Then why did you go out the window

Think think think Chase was thinking as he didn't want to get caught.

Chase: I didn't want everybody to have a fuss over he leaving. I need alone time

Sweetie didn't seem to buy most of the words but the king sure did.

Malcolm: Well, as long as you tell me first, go ahead. Just bring at least Marshall with you.

Chase: Thanks dad

They all began to eat their breakfast in peace except Sweetie. She knew something was up and she wasn't going to let anyone get in her plans.

See, Sweetie knew she didn't stand a chance to take the throne of Barkingburg and become Queen. She knew she had to marry into the throne of a firstborn. Chase seemed eligible and so, she knew what to do.
During lessons with Ryder, Chase seemed to pay more attention about his own kingdom and kind. More than he can ever learn.

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