Chapter 4

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Chase got ready for Skye's party and still wasn't sure how to present her a gift without embarrassing himself. He was great with girls just they didn't like him for him. Just his looks or royal status. "Hey Chase... Are you ready yet? The "ball" is starting in 30 minutes. You better hurry!" Marshall yelled. Chase was wearing a black tux with black pants, white shirt, polished black shoes, and had a gift wrapped in pink wrapping paper.(Just think the mission paw style. Just... You know... Human) Chase got up and went down with Marshall, still in uniform. They got in the carriage and went in silence until Marshall broke it. "So. What did you get for Princess Skye?" "It's really a secret. Also, I don't know if she'll like it because you or I never seen her. It's her first time in public since the war. The last time any one saw her was when she was five. She could look like anything." "Oh yeah. Forgot. Still... Can I see it?" Chase smiled. "Not yet."Marshall whined playfully "But I'm not the birthday princess!" Chase laughed. "Still no. You'll see once we get there."
Skye took a very deep breath and looked in the mirror. She had never been this way before. Wearing a light pink gown as always but thinks were different. Her dress was more fancier and puffier, which she did not like much. She wore simple makeup. Just a bit of blush, mascara, and lipstick. Diamond earrings, a pink jeweled necklace, and a tiara with a single pink jewel.

 Diamond earrings, a pink jeweled necklace, and a tiara with a single pink jewel

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(Something like this I guess)
Everest came in. She was wearing a pale blue dress with a almost pale shall on her shoulders.

(I know

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(I know. She looks a "bit" like Elsa. Give me a break)
"Everest. You could be mistaken for the princess!" Everest laughed. "No Skye. No one will think I'm a princess. Duchess maybe but not a princess. Maybe sisters!" They both laughed and they stopped when a small knock on the door comes in. "Skye? Everest? Come on! The celebration is going to start!" Rubble said. He was also dressed very finely. A gray suit with a yellow shirt. "Umm... Thanks Rubble."
"Okay. Here goes." They had arrived at the palace of Demour. Then a pair of guards came.

Guard 1: Stop! Who invited you to the princesses ball?

Chase: Princess Skye herself.

Guard 2: Yeah right. Her highness Princess Skye? I doubt that. She hasn't been public since she was five.

Marshall: But she did!

Chase: It's true sir. We have the invitation from her.

Chase began to show both of the guards his invitation and they both looked very surprised at first then scowled.

Guard 1: Oh yes. Your both the "guests" she invited.

Guard 2: Watch it boys! One move. Queen Marinda will be off with your heads!

Chase and Marshall began to walk inside the palace. "Woah!" they both watched in awe in a ballroom, full of people there. Usually when he has a party or something like that, they hold it outside, even if it was raining. People like dukes, duchesses, nobles, and other types of royalty were there. Talking, laughing, and dancing they were. As they saw Chase and Marshall, they stopped and moved away from them. "What's their problem? We aren't going to hurt them." Marshall whispered. Then trumpets blared and everyone fell dead silent as the all began to push Chase forward. "Oww." He said. Then a man began to go on. "Now pronouncing the arrival of Queen Marinda of Demour." Everyone began to bow as the queen came in

That gave Chase a sign to be quiet and listen up

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That gave Chase a sign to be quiet and listen up. Then the man went on. "Also, presenting, the young woman who wasn't seen for a very long time... Princess Skye of Demour. Daughter of King Arthur and Queen Miranda and niece of Queen Marinda. Chase looked up. To his eyes, he saw a beautiful young woman. Most young men must have had the same reaction since most gasped at the princess. Skye was like gracefully walking until she stepped on the hem of her dress and almost fell down. Chase went to help her up. "Thanks." She said smiling. "Well umm..." What? He didn't know what else he could say. Chase felt heat rush up to his face. "Oh! Sorry! I'm Princess Skye." she said curtsying. "Umm. Hey! I'm Prince Chase of Sola." Most people who didn't know who he was gasped. Then Chase remembered. "Oh! I have a present for you. It's nothing much. I hope you like it." Skye eye's lit up. "Please Aunt Marinda! Can I see it?" Marinda did not look pleased but had to agree. Skye opened the present and gasped. "Why your highness! It's... It's... It's beautiful!" Inside, there was a golden bracelet with the star of Sola inside the cloud of Demour." Most of the people looked disgusted. "Everest! Please come and put this on me!" Everest came and gradually put on the bracelet. "It fits!" she said. "Thank you Prince Chase!" Chase blushed. "You.. You... You're welcome your highness." For no more drama to happen, the queen cued the orchestra to start playing. Then everyone started to waltz. Chase looked around for Marshall. Then he found Marshall standing near Skye's lady in waiting Everest. Both were smiling, laughing and blushing. "Come on. Let's dance!" Skye said as she led Chase to the dance floor. Chase was a bit clueless of what was happening until he realized something. "There's just one problem princess. I can't dance." Skye looked a bit surprised. "Didn't you take dance lessons as a kid?" Chase shook his head. "Kind of. We danced in a different manner." Then Skye seemed to understand. "Here. I'll teach you." They got on the dance floor and Skye started counting very slowly. "One two three. One two three. One two three." and it took Chase a few try's not to step on Skye's feet but he managed. After the dance was over Skye smoothed out her skirt. "You're a good dancer." Chase smiled. "I had a good and beautiful teacher." Skye blushed madly. "Ahem..." said a voice. Both the teenagers looked at Marinda and both looked bright red and she might have remembered on what Chase had said. "Well." she started. "I think Prince Chase has over stayed his visit." Chase looked up and quickly bowed at Skye. "Thank you Princess Skye for inviting me to this party." She curtsied. "The pleasure is mine." Chase began to look back at Skye. He smiled and she blushed. "Cmon Marshall, let's go." Marshall began to follow Chase. He smiled at Everest who blushed as well. "What a night!" they all thought.

A/N Sorry if it took a long time to update. I'm trying to make the chapters long so you would enjoy it. Anyways Bye 👋!

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