Saving the Kazegake

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Delsin was just in his apartment, looking at the ceiling recalling his date with Ayame.


Delsin made his way to the Ramen shack, ready for his date. When he got there he saw Tuechi, manning the shop. "Hey Delsin-san, come for more Ramen, my boy?" Tuechi asked. Delsin smiled. "No, not today. Actually I came to get Ayame. I'm going to take her to the park". Tuechi's face turned from a smile to a frown at his words.

Then out of Kami knows where, a spatula made its way to Delsin's face. "You better act like a gentleman. Ayame is my little girl and if you hurt her......." Tuechi decided to let the threat hang and leave it to Delsin's imagination to come up with the rest. Delsin was sweating mildly. 'all because I wanted to make her feel better.....' Delsin thought. R-Right.... Where is Ayame?" Delsin asked.

"Over here! Come on let's go" A voice said before something grabbed his arm dragging him throughout the streets. "Hey Ayame! So what do you want to do since just walking in the park would be boring" Delsin said smirking. "Well how about some sushi! I haven't had sushi in a while!" Ayame suggested.

"A ramen cook eating sushi? I would never think to see that. Aren't you two supposed to be enemies?" Delsin chuckled. Ayame laughed at that, Delsin found her laugh to be cute. "It's not like that at all. Only people who worship Ramen and Sushi tend to hate eachother with a passion".

"So Naruto huh?" Delsin asked, as if stating facts. "Yeah pretty much" Delsin smiled. As they reached a sushi bar, they sat down at a booth. As the waiter took their order and left, there had been silence for 10 minutes until Ayame broke it. "So word around is that you're not from this place". "Well....yeah I'm not, I came from Wave and....". "No I mean you're not from this world" Ayame interrupted him.

Delsin's eyes widened before they narrowed. "How did this get out? Who told you?". Ayame smiled lightly. "Everyone in Konoha knows. The Hokage and the council announced it" she said. "When was this?!" Delsin said, almost panicking. "Just this morning. You must've been sleeping or something" Ayame giggled. "Don't worry, no one hates you! Just indifferent towards you,that's all". Delsin looked at her and said nothing. He couldn't find anything to say. He didn't think that Lady Tsunade would spread his origins all over the village. And it happened all in one morning!

"Feel any better?" Ayame asked. Delsin sighed a annoyed yet relieved sigh. "Only slightly" he mumbled. A few moments after that conversation the sushi came and they discussed other topics like where was he from, really, what was it like there.

Flashback end

Delsin just sighed again. The date was good and all, Ayame is a great person and fun to be around but what she said, about the villagers knowing about him was kind of making him uneasy. After the date, he dropped Ayame back. He had walked around the village afterwards, he noticed some people whispering and looking at him funny. A couple of them gave him some really dirty glares. Some of the bolder ones said came up and said things like 'Outsider!' or 'you don't belong here, freak!'.

At first it didn't bother him because he had gotten the same treatment at Salmon Bay and Seattle when he first got his powers but after a couple of hours, it was really starting to get to him so he went back to his apartment and here he is now. "People can be real disgusting" Delsin said to himself. Just as he was about to get up, there was a tap at his window.

He ignored it the first time, thinking it was just the wind. He got inside the kitchen and went to get some water. He heard the tapping again. 'maybe it was just a branch...' Delsin thought. Finally pouring the water in the glass he turned to put the jug back in the fridge. As he turned to grab the glass, he noticed a little bird on the edge of it staring at him.

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