Meeting The Wolf Clan

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A few days later in Konoha were nothing but peaceful and boring which actually was a good thing for Delsin as Naruto and the rest of Team 7 were on this mission to a fire temple for some reason he forgot. He also asked Lady Tsunade for a few days off to relax his body.

She accepted but only he take her out. He had promised to take her out to one of the finer restaurants in all of Konoha after his date with Kurenai. So what was the infamous conduit doing? Well...right now he's at a private training ground (also requested to the Hokage) learning to harness his Chakra to summon.

'So I have to do what exactly?' Delsin asked Kurama he started to remove his clothes to the point of him only wearing jeans. 'What you're going to do is take out the summoning contract and sign your name with your blood and imprint your fingers in said blood' Kurama said. Delsin nodded his head but stopped when he just registered what Kurama said

'WHAT?! So I have to stab myself and use my blood as sacrifice?!'. 'What? No you dumbass! You just have to bite your thumb sign your name! It only requires a tiny ounce of blood'. Delsin sighed in relief and opened the scroll and bit his thumb and signed his name. 'There! Done! Now what? How do I summon a wolf?' Delsin asked.

'What you need to do now is do the handseals for the summoning jutsu. The handseals are Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram. You already have the blood so just do the jutsu' Kurama said, yet again sending him the images of the handseals. 'Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram'. "Summoning Jutsu!" Delsin shouted as he pushed his Chakra out and slammed it on the ground to see markings spread out. Suddenly, smoke appeared out of nowhere, blocking Delsin's view of the summon. As the smoke cleared Delsin looked to see a humongous wolf in front of him almost the size of him.

"Who dares summon me, Kōdai, heir to the Ookami clan?" The Wolf said. Delsin gulped and raised his hand. "Um...I-I did". The wolf sent his cold blue eyes upon Delsin and growled. "Don't lie to me Fledgling! Now tell me who really summoned me". At that point instead of getting scared, Delsin got pissed off. "Hey wait a minute, you overgrown winter coat! I did summon you. Me! Delsin Rowe, your master! And you better respect that!" Delsin glared. 'Nice one Kit, establish dominance! That's what wolves like in a potential summoner or mate if you will' Kurama said having a shit eating grin on his face at the look on the wolf's face.

"Insolence! Like I have to listen to a walking meatbag! Don't overstep your boundaries otherwise I'm going to eat you!" the Wolf threatened. "Go ahead! Do it! I'll skin your furry ass and make a mat!" Delsin said, ready to attack. Instead of a balistic wolf, he got a laughing one. "Relax, I'm just testing you! Haha! I knew you were the one to summon me! I just wanted to see if you had the balls to confront me if I dismissed you" the wolf said laughing.

Delsin was so confused, he started getting a headache from thinking too much. "Wait! So you mean to tell me that you were testing me?!....... What the hell?!" Delsin said, angry as hell. 'rrrrggh that's why I hate wolves....' Kurama said. "Yeah whatever...So you really summoned me, huh? Well to summon me means that your Chakra capacity is large. If you put a little bit more Chakra you would've been able to summon my father...which is who you really need to see for you actually be able to summon us" Kōdai said.

"Okay so I have to summon him then" Delsin said as he was about to run through the handseals again but Kōdai stopped him. "No you don't, I can just take you to him. You know, reverse summon". "Reverse summon? What the-" *POOF

Delsin didn't get to finish his sentence as Kōdai had already summoned him back to his realm. Delsin's insides started to churn and he felt like throwing up. "What the hell was that?!" Delsin said as he glared at the black wolf. "What? I told you we would be reverse summoning ourselves. You just didn't prepare yourself, that's not my fault. Now come on let's go meet my family" Kōdai said as he grabbed Delsin's sleeve with his mouth and tugged him towards his den.

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