Chapter 18

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" I-isn't that tae- "

" Taehyung. " I completed Hyejin's sentence.

When I saw that he was with another girl, I couldn't even breathe and my heart was in so much pain. How could he?


" no. Don't. " I stopped Hyejin.

" Yuna! Come to your senses! You were crying your eyes out because of this jerk and now you see him with a slut and you're giving up? " Hyejin half shouted.

She's right. I spent almost half of the day crying my eyes out for him. I can't give up now.

" so, what are we gonna do? "


" Hyejin-ah.... are you sure this is a good idea? " I asked for like most probably the 20th time.

" yes. Trust me. Just follow me. " she whispered.

Hyejin's idea, which she claim is the best idea, is to follow them. I mean that's cliche but i searched online and it stated that 99.9% managed to follow their boyfriends/girlfriends without getting caught. And I'm pretty lucky so I'll definitely not get caught right?

" stop daydreaming! Their heading to the Gucci shop lets go. " Hyejin snapped me out of my thoughts.

We walked a few metres and stopped behind a pot of plant that couldn't even cover our bodies.

" bruh. why are we behind this pot of plant? It doesn't even- "

" SHHHHH! " Hyejin interrupted me.

" If you want this Mission to be a success, just keep your mouth shut lady. "

I scoffed and kept quiet and continued to spy at the two infront of us.

Suddenly, taehyung placed his hands around her waist and they were flirting with each other.

" oh god I'm gonna puke. " Hyejin whispered.

I couldn't say anything. I was just sad that my ex Boyfriend 'dumped' me less than 5 hours ago without hearing me out and now he's with another woman?

What shocked me the most next was that Taehyung pecked her lips the next moment.

My heart is.... my heart is....

in pain.

" Hyejin I think we should stop. " I said as stood up from my squaring position.

Hyejin saw that my face expression wasn't good. I was feeling hurt and sad and I definitely needed a hug.

She hugged me tightly and patted my back.

" Okay. Lets go. " she said and she let go of our hug.

I smiled at her and as we started to walk from our position, a familiar voice called my name.

" Yuna? "

I immediately knew how that voice belongs to and cussed at Google.

Seriously 99.9% did it and I'm the 0.1% that cant do it! SERIOUSLY!! This is such a bad day haiz. I think me and Kwang Soo should be best friends.

Me and Hyejin stopped and turn behind to see Taehyung and his new GIRL holding hands.

And wow I got to admit that girl is gorgeous. Her body got the curves too.

" What are you doing here? " he asked in a stern voice. I could tell he was still mad.

I couldn't reply.... I didn't know what to say...

" Why can't she- no I mean WE be here? It's not like you own this mall anyway. " Hyejin scoffed.

Taehyung's eyebrows soften abit and nodded.

" if you got nothing to say, we will like to go now. Because we don't want to ya know, disturb your BUSINESS. " Hyejin said and she held my wrist and pulled it along with her.

" you alright hun? "

" yeah... thank you. " I smiled.


After we left the mall, we separated ways and went home.

It was about 8pm and I am freaking hungry! I didn't get to buy my dinner yet haiz.

When I was about to unlock the door, someone called my name.

And yes it's him again.

" what are you doing here? " I finally managed to have these words come out from my freaking mouth.

" Have you had your dinner yet? "

" didn't you eat with your new girl? " I replied.

He chuckled.

" noPE. "

" hmm then too bad for you. " I said and as I was about to walk into the house, he grip my wrist and pulled me back from my doorstep and now I'm standing infront of him again.

" god dammit Yuna stop lying to me. I know you haven't ate. " he half shouted.

I just kept quiet and didn't say anything.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped me into a warm embrace. I couldn't move. I was too shock.

What happened next shocked me the most....


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