Chapter 19

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Suddenly, I could feel the pair of arms got pulled away in a harsh manner.

" What are you trying to do? " the familiar voice asked.

Park Jimin.

" What do you mean? I'm her Boyfriend you stupid. " Taehyung said, almost in a angry manner.

" hahahahaha! What a joke! "

Anyone could tell that Jimin was drunk. He can't even stand properly, he's like swaying left and right like some manic.

" go home Jimin. you don't wanna make me angry. " Taehyung warned as he rolled his hands into a fist.

" or what? You're gonna punch me? I thought you already broke up with her hahahahahaha! "

" how did- "

" She told me everything, Taehyung. " Jimin cut him off.

Suddenly taehyung's started to tighten his fist even more and I could tell he was really angry.

" Is this true? " he turn to me, demanding me for an answer.

" w-what? " I have no idea what he was talking about.

" you told him everything? I'm your Boyfriend not him. "

" I- Tae- no that's not what he- "

" So that's how it is huh. " he scoffed.

I wanted to say something but those words won't come out of my mouth. I'm so frustrated. Why won't he listen to me?

" and you. " he pointed to Jimin.

" Don't come near me anymore. You're not my friend anymore. "

Somehow Jimin suddenly came to his senses and know what was going on.

" no... taehyung-ah! That's not what I- "

" ENOUGH! " Taehyung shouted.

And both of us was shocked. This was the first time I'm hearing him shout. And it is pretty scary.

" I had enough. " he mumbled and he walked away and his shadow slowly start to fade away.

" Yuna-ah. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- "

" it's okay... we're officially over... " I mumbled. I could feel tears forming into my eyes.

" I'm so sorry. I really am.... it's my fault. " Jimin said and he hugged me.

The next day, school was different. Taehyung didn't even come to school. BTS found out about what happened and they couldn't believe it.

They were also quite pissed that Taehyung didn't give me time to tell him about it.

" Please don't tell Taehyung yet... I want him to know from me. " I said to BTS.

" yes. we understand. Taehyung is just being unfair and childish. " Namjoon said.

" yeah. It's because of his ex Girlfriend haiz. " Jin sighed.

" JIN! " Hobie covered his mouth and shake his head.

Wait what? Ex-Girlfriend? He didn't tell me about that.

" oh shit... " Jin mumbled.

" Hyung! I'm so disappointed in you! Taehyung already said not to tell! " Jungkook shouted.

" wait what do you mean? What ex Girlfriend ? " I asked, confused.

" I think it's better for him to tell you. Since we are not allowed to tell him yours. " Namjoon said.

" Jin will say it anyways tch. " Jimin said as he rolled his eyes.

" hey! I do not! " Jin fought back.

" stop it you guys are being childish here. " Suga said and he goes back to sleep.

Hyejin chuckled and continued looking at Suga sleeping.

She must be so obsessed with Suga hmmm.

It was 8pm at night and I was watching my drama ' while you were sleeping ' omg. LEE JONG SUK IS SUCH A HOTTIE!!!

Suddenly, my phone rang and it was Jimin.

" Hey chimchim! "

" hey Yuna. do you mind coming to the park? I'll meet you at 8.15. " he asked.

" sure! See ya! " I replied and ended the call.

I left home at 8.10 because the park was near my house and when I reached the park I called Jimin and he didn't answer the call.

" why isn't he answering?? "

I decided to sit on the bench and wait for a few minutes.

After 10 minutes of waiting, i decided to leave. So I left a text message to Jimin. Maybe he got lost or something.

I couldn't wait any longer. I was freezing. I only had a cardigan on. I was blaming myself for not wearing a jacket.

As I was about to leave, suddenly someone called out to me.

I turn behind and it was the person I didn't expect to see.

" what are you doing here? " I asked.

" I should be asking you. Jimin told me to come to the park. "

" what? He told me to come here too... "

" don't tell me he... urgh " he groaned.

oh so Jimin actually set this whole thing up. Oh wow. I don't know whether I should thank him or not. I don't think I'm ready yet....

" I think I should get going. " I mumbled and when I was about to leave, he grabbed my wrist.

" if Jimin did this, there must be a reason. He told me he wanted to talk to me. So probably it's you who wanted to talk to me. " he said.

" well ok then... "

We sat on the bench and we didn't say anything for about 5 minutes.

During this 5 minutes, i was deciding whether to tell him today. And yes I am.

" Taehyung... I... I... " I couldn't get myself to speak up. I was afraid.

" just tell me. Who is that guy. " he asked in a stern voice.

" myexboyfriend. " I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to say those words.

" what took you so long to tell me? It isn't that hard isn't it? " his voice softened.

" It's hard... " I mumbled.

" why is it hard? "

" that guy. He cheated on me because of my money and my fame! " I said and I started to cry.

" what? I don't remember you saying you're famous? What are you talking about? Are there more things you aren't telling me? " he asked confused.

" Taehyung... look at me. "

He looked at me, examining my face.

" why? "

" This is it... " my mind spoke.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as slowly took off my spectacles and my fake braces. Once it was off my face, I opened my eyes and Taehyung's reaction is unbelievable.

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