Finding My Brother With Her

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I was sitting with Annabeth by the beach outside my cabin. We were on the sand just holding each other. The war with Gaea is over, the doors of death are closed, and Athena's statue is back at camp, thanks to Nico. Me and Nico have gotten closer too, I think he forgave me for his sister. Anyways the past few days have gotten rough for me ever since I found out about my half-brother, Sam. At first, I thought he was an awesome brother but that quickly changed.

One night he came to camp running in here being chased by a Minotaur. I was about to help him when he put his hand up and the water from my lake shot up from his will and hits the Minotaur causing it to explode from such force. We all gasp. He turns around and looks at everyone. Seconds later a trident appears above his head. That's when I found out he was my half-brother. After the shock disappears I get up to make my way to him and say, "Hello, my name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, god of the sea. Your half-brother." I extend my arm towards him and clasps his into mine. I look into his eyes and he smiles. He seems like a good guy.

It's been 4 weeks since then. And I don't like him at all, I actually hate him. I'll explain why. One day out of the blue he starts to make fun of me in the arena where we practice. He challenges me to a dual. I of course don't back down thinking I will win. I was wrong. We taunt each other and finally start the duel. I get the upper hand on him, but I start to slip, and he gets the upper hand. He actually beats me! Everyone was surprised just as me. He spat at my face when I was on the floor with his foot on my chest.

"See everyone, he's week! The all mighty Percy Jackson has lost. He is nothing! I am stronger than him, I am better than him. I don't know why you praise him when you should praise me. If there is another war I will be there to protect you all and do it on my own unlike him who could barely win." He sneers and finally takes his foot of my chest. Everyone is clapping and cheering.

A few seconds later Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon appear. Sam bows to the gods, so everyone one else does. I get up and bow my head to them as well.

At first, I thought Poseidon was walking over to me, but I was wrong. He passes me and goes over to Sam who is behind me. He hugs him and pulls him up to his shoulders and starts chanting, "SAAMM! SAAAM! SAAMM" everyone repeats after him. He then looks at me. "I thought you were good, that's why I put you to fight. I was wrong, my other son is better than you. I should have put him instead of you." I feel tears in the corner of my eye, but I refuse to let them go. I pick my head high and walk to my cabin. I lay there on my bed listening to the waves hit the beach trying to calm down my breathing, so I could take a nap and forget everything that happened that day.

I'm sucked back into reality when I hear Annabeth say, "Hey Seaweed brain. I was talking to you." I look over at her and look at her confused. She let out a breath and sighed.

"I was saying if you want to go back inside. It's getting dark," she finishes. I look over to the sky and sure enough, it was getting dark. I nod and get up, extending my arm to help her up, and she takes it pulling herself up. We walk hand in hand to the door of my cabin.

She leans up and kisses my cheek. I smile at her and say, "Goodnight Annabeth" with her walking away I go into my cabin, straight to bed.


I wake up the next morning, and head for the restroom. I look in the mirror. My black raven hair has grown a little more and I liked it. I try to fix it, but it would not cooperate with me, so I just left it like that. I take off my shirt and change into my orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and some jeans and some blue converse. I expected Sam still sleeping, but I was wrong. I head out my cabin to the Athena cabin. I knock on the door, but no one answers. I look around and see most people are going to the food court. I try opening the door, but it was locked. I walk around looking for a window, and when I found one I look inside. I peek inside making sure no one could see me. What I see surprised me. Right in front of me, I see Annabeth riding Sam's dick, and Thalia's pussy at Sam's mouth while Thalia and Annabeth make out.

I feel the tears at the rim of my eyes, and I run to my cabin, laying on my bed letting the tears out.

I never tough My best friend, and my girlfriend would ever go behind my back and have sex with my own brother. I lay in bed crying silently for a few minutes. Suddenly I sit up frustratingly and get out my notebook and pen. I am tired of all this. I am tired of all their mistreatment. I write down:

Dear who ever reads this first:

I have no one left. The person I love the most cheated on me with one of my best friends and brother. My father hates me, and everyone treated me like crap. So, I'm running away, don't look for me. And mom... I love you, Paul, take care of my mom please. Thanks.

-Percy Jackson

I lay the note on my night stand and grab my backpack from under my bed, and put some clothes, snack bars, water, Greek and American money just in case. With Riptide in my pocket, I walk over to the door. I turn back and silently say goodbye. It was still day out, and everyone will see me, but I don't care, I want to, no need to, get out of this shit hole. I walk over to Thalia's tree with the dragon guarding it. I walk straight through the border line. The dragon eyes me up with curiosity. "Goodbye, take care of camp while I'm gone" I tell the dragon. With that I walk into the forest. I was walking for about 10 minutes, when a blinding white light came out nowhere I turn away with Riptide in my hand ready for battle. I turn back to look at it, or at him.

"Hello Percy Jackson, my name is Chaos, Creator of universes. I would like to make you a deal, one you will not refuse." He says smiling.

Hope you guys like this chapter!


I tried my best to edit this part and tried to keep it as close to the original.

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