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Sam comes walking over to me smirking.

"So, I get the honor to take off your hood?" He asks.

"Oh yes but you have to answer one question, and that's it" I say smirking back.


"Not so fast, swear on the river of Styx's you will answer truthfully" I say smirking.

"What! Hell's no!"

"Why not, you scared? The hero of camp is scared of me" I smirk knowing I hit a nerve.

"I swear on the River of Styx to answer truthfully to your questions." Oh, I got him good! He said, 'questions'! As in plural, more than one. He hasn't caught his mistake. Good. I found out why I don't like him. And man, I can't wait for camp to find out!

"Now tell me Sam, why do you hate me?" I ask.

He hesitates a bit. "Because I feel power radiating off of you, and I hate anybody that is stronger than me," no one seems unfazed. He then pulls his hand up to my hood. I grab his hand really quickly.

"I have more questions," I say.

"But you said you will ask one question."

"Oh, I did, but you said, ' I swear on the River of Styx to answer truthfully to your questions.' As in plural. You are supposed to answer all my questions. Now, I want to know, who is your TRUE mother?" I think I know the answer to this question. But I want him to say it to the camp. He doesn't anything for a while, the he says, "Gaea," everyone gasps.

I raise my hand for them to shut up and they do.

"Now one more question, what is Gaea's plan?" I ask him. Everyone is quiet, waiting for an answer.

"She's planning on spreading a rumor saying that camp will be attacked. But in reality, she just wants you all to panic. She will have you all turn on each other trying to find a spy, but then when everything is settled down and calm, she will attack. Coming straight for Camp Half-Blood." I stay quite taking in everything. I turn to the crowd.

"Don't worry everyone. I am here to protect this camp with my life. This is home for me." I turn to Sam.

"Now I am a man of my words. You can pull my hood and take my mask off now," he nods and grabs my hood with his hands pulling it back. He then grabs my golden mask. He starts pulling it away, he looks nervous. When he takes it off he gasps.

"You're supposed to be dead." Sam moves away from in front of me. I look over to the crowd and lock eyes with Annabeth. Her eyes are huge. I look away over to my father, he's crying, and his appearance is changing to his usual self. I smile at him. He smiles back.

"You all know why I ran away." I start saying. "But running away was the best thing to happen to me. I got my old friends back, I became commander of Chaos' army, and a powerful demigod. I've trained with Chaos for so long, we are equally matched, maybe I'm stronger. But for the people who blame themselves for me. I forgive you. Even you Annabeth. If you never cheated on me I'll be stuck with you instead of my amazing boyfriend," and I smile at her. "And you found a girlfriend for you, she's good for you" I say honestly.

I thought all night, last night.

"Now Dad, I forgive you for what you said, it wasn't you," I turn to Sam, "now you, you tried killing innocent people, so I here declare you guilty of attempt of murder. Under the Chaos constitution, section T paragraph 5. You will be imprisoned, in Chaos prison, on his planet, and spend 500 years there." With that Chao appears.

"Well done Percy, another person put to justice." Chaos says.

"Thank you, Chaos... well now he's running... they always run."

"Don't worry my men are on it" with that 5 men in black go chasing after Sam. Then Chaos leaves.

"Okay everyone, today is a free day for you. You can hang out, party in your cabin, but remember to be alerted at all times." I say, "if you want to practice fighting, come looking for my team mates. We will either be in our cabin or walking around." With that I go over to Nico and Bianca, "hey guys if you need me, dip your hand in my lake. I'm going to my dad's palace. I need to see Tyson." They nod.

I turn and start looking for my father. I find him coming towards me. Without saying anything, he hugs me.

"I've missed you so much Percy." My dad says between sobs.

"I missed you to, dad." I pull away, "dad can I go visit Tyson?" I ask.

"Of course!" With that he grabs my hand and starts pulling me with him while he runs to my lake. We stop at the ledge. It's been a while since I've been in earth water. Especially my dad's kingdom. I look over to my dad and see he's smiling.

I smile back and jump in the water. My dad just appears in front of me. We both start swimming into the deep water.

Sorry its Short I'll try updating after school!


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