Making A Deal With Lord Chaos

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"What kind of deal Lord Chaos?" I say after realizing who he was and bowing.

"I will like for you to have a different life, one where you will be with people you care about." He finishes. I think about it for a few seconds. I was planning on living on the streets instead of with my mother and step father, because that's where the camp will look first, if they even cared to look for me. I have nowhere to go and no home. I guess I found my answer.

"I'll take the deal." I say.

"Great! Okay come with me to my planet I wish for you to be my commander of your new army, fighting evil," Chaos says, "you will become immortal and can bring back your friends from the dead and lead them." He finishes up. I nod agreeing with him.

6,000 years later-

"C'mon Percy! We have to go back to earth." Luke protest. I know what you are thinking, how is he alive? Well he's one of the people I brought back to life, along with Bianca, Zoe, Beckendorf, and Silena, with other people. I usually only see the other people in battle, but I hang out a lot with my friends when we are not fighting evil. I became really close with Luke and he became my second in command. I had a crush on him, but it went away when I found out he has a crush on Zoë.

"But I don't want to go!" I whine getting under my covers. He yanks my covers away and I sit up straight glaring at him. He sucks in a breath scared. These years I'm known for being tough and mean and emotionless, but my friends can see through my mask, but they still get scared of me. I am very powerful now.

"Sorry Commander, Lord Chaos is waiting for us." He says thinking this will work, the thing is I'm not afraid of Chaos anymore he's like a big brother to me, we fight a lot and argue a lot, but we care for each other, he's sending me to earth to go help Camp Half-Blood because he thinks Gaea is stirring again and me and my team will help the camp. I don't want to, but I have to. I haven't laid a foot on earth since I left it. I'm not looking forward to going back.

"Fine just let me get dressed," I say. Luke nods and gets out my door. I get out of bead and put a plain black shirt, black jeans and my black converse. I liked the color black, but blue is still my favorite. I just like wearing black to mix with the shadows. I head for my door and walk to the main room. When I do get there, Chaos, Luke, Zoë, Bianca, Beckendorf, and Selene where their waiting for me. I walk over to my chair which is next to Chaos. They stay quite till Lord Chaos starts, "Well today you will go back to earth and back to Camp Half-Blood, you will help the camp fight against the giants and titans and, if it comes to it, Gaea." He then looks over to me, "I am sorry Percy, but I found out that the 7 demigods that where with you on the Argo ll are immortal, along with other people from camp and are helping camp with the battle, sorry." He finishes up and I tighten my grip on my chair. Great she's going to be there. I just nod for Chaos to continue.

"You will need to cover your faces, I have black robes, and golden masks. The mask will cover your identity but not your voice. You may reveal yourself if you want, but since you are all supposed to be dead, I wouldn't recommend it. Now you will all go by your code names. Do not say your real names, unless alone. Now are you all ready?" He asks us. We all nod.

For the people who don't know our code names they are:

Me- Commander

Luke- Scar

Zoë- Arrow

Selene- Beauty

Beckendorf- Forge

Bianca- Death

We made them, so they can go with our personalities. We all get up and Chaos has hoods in one hand and masks in the other. He gives each one of us our own. "If you want to talk to someone but are not alone think about them and speak in their mind, now put on your mask." We all do as he says. "You can see your true faces when you look at each other, but no one can see you, and when you look at someone unmasked they look normal, I put my magic into these. Don't break them!" He protests like a baby. We all chuckle. "Okay, everyone I'm transporting us there, once we get their you will be able to transport to my planet if needed to. Now let's go," He says, and I feel our body moving through a blinding white light.

Sorry its short!! I'll try updating in an hour! Sorry!


I decided to stick with the code names, they may not be original, but I still think it fits them perfectly.


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