Ohne Titel Teil5

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The days continued like that,with Levi locking him up and avoiding his questions.
Every time he asked about the others, Levi either left,changed the subject or got mad.

After Eren caught him in a really bad mood once ,and found himself pushed up a wall with Levi's hands around his throat, he decided it was better to leave that topic alone.For now at least.

Every day, the man would bring him food and water, but Eren was never allowed outside,he wasn't even allowed a single glance beyond the door.
The only other room he was allowed to go to was the shower, and even then Levi was waiting for him in his room.Eren was just glad he was allowed to shower alone.

After about a week Levi decided it was time to 'move forward'.

Once Eren left the shower ,with some clothes Levi got him, he went up to the boy and pulled him down by his collar,before kissing him harshly.

Eren's eyes widened in shock and he pushed him away. "Eren.." Levi said with a glare."Wh..what the hell,Levi?" "What's wrong?" Came the response."You lock me up in here for I don't know how long,avoid my questions and now you KISS me?!" Eren yelled.

Levi stepped closer to him again "Yeah,what's wrong with that?" Eren looked at him,not believing what he just heard.
"You seriously think there is NOTHING wrong with locking me up in here?" Levi grinned at that."No,I don't see what's wrong with keeping what's mine."

"W-what did you just say?" "Oh?deaf now, are we? I said you are MINE,Eren.You are MY property, and no one else is allowed to touch what's mine! That's why I keep you in here,love."

Eren was staring at the man in front of him,mouth opening and closing like a fish without water.

"D...didn't you say I was injured?" Chuckling Levi said "And you actually believed that?How cute."

Levi kept walking towards Eren until he backed him up to his bed.

"So now that we cleared that up..." He said and put his hands on Eren's chest,applying pressure until he fell over.
Levi crawled over the boy and pinned his hands above his head,then proceeded to catch his lips with his own again.

Eren tried to get out of the kiss and Levi's grip,but he was much stronger than himself.

Tightening his grip with one hand, he let the other slide over Eren's shirt, and stopped when he reached the hem of it.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this." He whispered in his ear before moving under his shirt,trailing up his torso.

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