Ohne Titel Teil10

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Eren was blindly running,almost crashing into trees in front of him.
All that was on his mind was to get away from Levi,who was close behind him.

He regretted deciding to run now, as it would result in a serious punishment if he were to get caught.

"Eren stop now and I won't hurt you too bad." The raven yelled,quickly erasing the thought to stop out of Eren's mind.Considering what Levi had done up until now,it was probably better to run than face him.

It felt like he was running for hours and his legs started to hurt,looking around Eren realized that the was completely and utterly lost.

As he heard Levi's fast approaching footsteps behind him, he started running again,only to trip over a branch in the ground and land face first into a tree.
"Fuck..." He groaned and rubbed his forehead, which was now slightly bleeding.

"Got you." The brunet heard and was janked up by his collar and turned around to face a very pissed looking Levi.

"So you think that it would be a great idea to run from me,after I gave you the luxury of going outside?" Levi said,voice cold as ice."I'm sorry?" The brunet's whisper came out more as a question than an actual apology.

"Sorry won't cut it." With that Levi pressed Eren against the tree behind him and grabbed a knife he was hiding.
He brought the knife up to the boy's throat,"Tell me Eren,do you think I am that slow that I wouldn't be able to catch a brat like you?" "N-no." Came the boys reply.
"Then why did you run?" The raven asked and Eren audibly swallowed,"I-I don't know!Your speech made me panic okay?"

Levi pushed the knife further into his skin,drawing a little bit of blood."So telling you the truth,that you belong to me,frightens you? I thought we were past that."

"I'm sorry! I really am! Please stop this." The brunet begged.Withdrawing the knife from his throat,Levi shook his head and said,"Eren...my dear, sweet Eren,why do you always want to make it so hard for the both of us?" Before he quickly sliced into the boy's arm,drawing a scream of pain from him.

"If you really hate being with me that badly,I could just end it, you know, but that wouldn't be any fun."

Eren looked at the wound on his arm,blood seeping out of it."Fucking hell...he'll kill me at this rate." He thought and his eyes met the icy,blue ones of Levi again.

"Levi..I...I promise to stop disobeying you,no matter what you ask of me." Levi raised a brow at that,"Really now?" He asked skeptically.
Eren nodded and his gaze went to the ground."Good then,follow me and I will see how obedient you are,my little Eren."

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