Ohne Titel Teil7

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Levi was walking aimlessly around HQ,thinking about what he just did to Eren. Surely he had hurt the boy,but that was his right,wasn't it?Eren was HIS after all.

He didn't understand why he somehow felt...guilty...about what he did, but quickly shook that thought away.Eren was HIS and he could do ANYTHING he wanted to with him!
The boy just needed to learn that,and he would make sure he did.

After what felt like hours Levi went back to the brunettes room,opening it with a bit more force than necessary,startling Eren.

"Oh, what the fuck do you want now?!" He snapped."Is that a way to speak to me,brat?" Eren got up from his bed,making his way towards the older man"It sure as hell is, after what you did!"

Levi almost laughed at that, "I gave you the choice,either cooperate and enjoy it or don't and get hurt.Not my fault you chose the latter." He could see the pure rage in Eren's eyes, but also something else...pain?

"Why?" Was all Eren said before he went back and sat on his bed,hanging his hanging his head low."Why...Why...WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" He yelled.

"Because,Eren,I wanted you and you tried to refuse ME!So I had to teach you." "THAT WASN'T TEACHING ME A LESSON!THAT WAS RAPE,LEVI!" Levi narrowed his eyes at him and stomped over to the younger,grabbing his chin and yanking his face up."STOP yelling at me, or I will make sure you don't have a tongue left to do so." Eren's eyes widened in fear, afraid to speak again he pressed his lips shut.

"Good boy.Now if you just LISTEN to what I tell you and behave,I won't have to hurt you again,got it?" The brunette just nodded at that and Levi let his head go.

He sat beside Eren,not saying a thing but just observing him.

"Um...can...can I ask you something?" Eren began almost inaudible."Depends on what it is" "Do you....do you have any feelings for me?" He managed to get out,almost as red as a tomato.

"Are you serious? Darling, why do you think I'm doing this? I'm keeping you here to PROTECT you because I LOVE YOU,Eren!" The raven said.

"You don't have to protect me,I can take care of myself!" Levi stood up at that "NO YOU FUCKING CAN'T EREN! AND I DON'T WANT TO RISK LOSING YOU!NOT TO TITANS,NOT TO YOUR OWN RECKLESSNESS,NOT TO ANYBODY ELSE!" The boy flinched at Levi's loud voice and looked down at the floor.

"Sorry." Was all he said and that was enough to calm the man down,for now.
"Good,give me your wrists." He commanded, "For what?" "Isn't it obvious?I'm gonna chain you up,since you want to question me and what I do." Eren whimpered.

"No,please!" He begged. "Eren,wrists,NOW!" Levi snapped and Eren reluctantly held his hands out for him.

The raven sighed and clicked the cuffs shut."Eren,my love,I really don't want to hurt you or do this to you,but you don't make it any easier on either of us."

He kissed the boy's forehead and laid down beside him.Eren hesitated before laying down too,immediately being pulled back against the older.

He felt Levi draw mindless patterns on his stomach,and if there wasn't the voice in the back of his head SCREAMING that this man was mental and dangerous, he actually would've thought it was nice.

Hours passed with them staying like that before Eren passed out,still in Levi's arms.

"You are mine and I am NEVER letting you go,even if I have to break each one of your limbs." The older whispered and gave a quick kiss to the boy's cheek before drifting off too.

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