Book One: Chapter Three

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I wasn't sure how long I had slept, but I felt a lot better when I woke up. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I sighed with relief when I realized that I wasn't. I turned my attention to a simple red dress at the end of my bed bearing the insignia of the Fire Nation. I changed out of the robe and into the dress, feeling more comfortable than I had in a long time.

I needed to go find Zuko so that I could tell him how appreciative I was of his kindness to me. I was able to muster enough strength to get out of bed today, though just barely.

I quietly left the room and found my way up to the deck, the brisk arctic air hitting my face as I emerged from below the ship. I grimaced, crossing my arms in an attempt to warm myself. I looked around and saw nothing but glaciers surrounding the ship. This one was much smaller than Zhao's and much less armed, but I felt so much safer here.

Behind me, I heard a voice shouting.

"Hello! We're up here!" I turned to see a fat old man leaning out of the window of the ship's control room.

A bit confused, I made my way to the room. Had I dreamt that this old man was Zuko? My eyes widened at the thought. In the room, there were quite a few soldiers standing around in Fire Nation uniforms. The old man walked over to greet me with a big smile on his face.

"Hello, so wonderful to meet you! I'm Iroh, Zuko's Uncle," the man said.

I sighed with relief, thankful that I wasn't going crazy. In the middle of the room, I noticed Zuko leaning over a table with a large map on it. He looked like he was deep in thought.

I turned my attention back to Iroh.

"Hello. I'm Misaki," I said, smiling softly. The old man smiled widely and motioned for me to join him in sitting at the table Zuko was so fixated on.

"He's just working on his little project, don't mind him," Iroh said.

Zuko growled, grabbing the map from the table and crumpling it into a ball. He threw it at his uncle. What was up with this sudden temper?

"It's not a project, Uncle. I need to regain my honor! This is an important mission so don't make it out to be anything less!" He shouted.

I sat on the floor, glancing awkwardly between the two of them.

Iroh sighed, rolling his eyes and picking up a steaming cup of tea from the table. I gulped, not realizing how thirsty I was.

"My apologies, I'm not used to guests. Can I offer you some tea?" The old man said, pouring a cup for me.

I didn't realize he had heard me, but I nodded, taking the cup from his hand and sipping on it slowly. I watched as Zuko fumed in the corner. I didn't understand why he would be searching for the Avatar. He had been missing for 100 years, with no trace. There was no chance of him finding what he was looking for. It sounded like he was on a pointless mission.

He noticed me staring at him and stormed out of the room. I was taken aback. There is no possible way he could know what I was thinking. He had seemed so friendly when I met him, I couldn't understand why he was so angry now.

I set my tea on the table, excused myself, and went to look for him. He was standing on the deck looking out at the endless expanse of glaciers. I walked over to him.

"Zuko?" I said.

He turned to look at me, fury filling his eyes. "What?" he said through his teeth.

I placed my hand on his in an attempt to comfort him. "I'm sorry if I angered you in any way. You took me in and now I have a feeling I'm intruding," I said.

"It's not you," he pulled his hand away and looked as far away from me as he could. "I need to regain my honor. My father banished me because I'm a disgrace for a son. The only way I can return is to bring him the avatar."

"And how do you expect to do that? The avatar has been missing for over 100 years. No one can find him," I said.

"I've already found him," he said through gritted teeth.

I looked at him in shock "You did?"

"Yes, an Airbender. He couldn't be much older than 12 or 13."

"How is that possible? He should be at least 100 years old!" I said.

"I don't know. But I'm going to capture him and bring him to my father so I can finally go home," He said solemnly.

I nodded. I didn't agree with what he wanted to do. In my opinion, the world needed the avatar. The Fire Nation has gotten too powerful and needs to be stopped. I stayed quiet because I knew that if I had said something I would only make Zuko angrier.


It was close to midday by now, and in the distance, I could see a small village.

"Is that the southern water tribe?" I asked Zuko, who had uncrumpled the map and set a course for this place.

"Yes. I believe that the avatar has been taken here," he said.

"What are you going to do?"

"Take him and whoever else stands in my way," he said.

"You can't hurt them, those people haven't done anything yet! Plus, he's just a kid!" I objected.

"And who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? The way I remember, you're a guest on MY ship," he spat.

"This isn't right and you know it," I said angrily, leaving the room and heading below the deck.

He can't do this. It isn't right. I have to find a way to help the avatar... but it's been years since I was able to bend. I haven't even tried. Frustrated, I went to the room I had assumed was mine. When I had got there, I realized that this room must be Zuko's. On the wall I noticed swords, and I wondered if there was anything else that could be of use to help the avatar escape. I started to go through his room.

In one of his drawers, I found a necklace in the shape of a heart with the Fire Nation insignia engraved on it. I opened the locket to find a picture of a little boy and his mother. I took it to the wall and held it next to the painting. It was clearly Zuko and his mother. I wondered how she felt about this whole situation. Why would a mother let her son be banished, and sent on a fruitless mission? I sat on the bed with the necklace in my hands, pondering.

I heard shouting on the deck, and I immediately dropped the necklace on the bed and went up to see what was going on.

As I reached the surface, I saw a young boy covered in airbending tattoos being held by two soldiers, and he looked terrified. He glanced at me as they dragged him under the deck and I could see the defeat in his eyes. I knew I had to do something to help him, but I was so powerless.

No... I am going to do what I need to do to save him. I can't let the Fire Nation kill him. I thought.

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