Chapter One

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Note: I included Harry's original letters as well as Snape's point of view. Hopefully this makes everything a little less confusing for you guys. Dear Harry Potter will have some of the letters Snape wrote but never sent in Dear Severus Snape. It will also have other things. After the first few chapters, I'll pick up where the last story left off, and you'll get to read about Draco and George's wedding, Blaise and Ginny's Relationship, Hermione and Ron's daughter, and of course, Harry and Snape. These first few chapters will be fairly short, but they will eventually get longer.

Dear Severus Snape,

I never thought I would say this, but I miss you. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you. I tried my best. I'm sorry that I didn't trust you, even when Dumbledore told me too.

I watch your memories in the pensive everyday, unable to stop thinking about you, unable to stop thinking about the war, unable to stop thinking about my mother.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to convince everyone that you're not a Death Eater. I'll keep trying though, I promise. They were unable to find your body after the war, but I will make sure it's found. You will have a proper funeral.

You know, I thought the nightmares would stop after the war. I thought I'd stop dreaming about Voldemort. But I didn't, and I don't know how to deal with it anymore. How do I stop him from entering my mind when he's dead?

I moved out of The Burrow, and into Grimmauld Place. I always thought being alone would be awful, but I found that I don't mind it. I don't really miss talking to Ron and Hermione, though I know I probably should.

Today I went back to Hogwarts, to help with the reconstruction. McGonagall asked me to rebuild the potion lab. I can't help but think you'd be horrified if you knew that was my job. No doubt you'd tell me I was doing everything wrong.

They refuse to put a portrait of you in the new Potions lab, but I'll find a way to convince the Ministry that you deserve to be honored.

I promise I'll keep fighting.

I hope you're doing well, wherever you are. I hope you're doing better than I am.


Harry Potter


Severus Snape leaned back in his black leather chair, eyebrows raising slightly. He had immediately recognized the handwriting on the front of the letter. How could he not, it was Harry Potter's after all.

He wasn't sure if he was angry or surprised, perhaps it was a mixture of both. How dare Potter assume that he wanted to be saved? How dare he have the audacity to refer to him by his first and last name? Had the boy learned no respect?

No, It appeared he hadn't.

Of course it was too much to ask.

It was to much to have people leave him alone, to just accept that he was gone. He should have known Potter would be too stubborn to accept his death.

Damn Potter.

He ran a hand through his slightly ragged hair, closed his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

Without really knowing why, he uncapped his inkquill, and began to write a response.

Dear Mr. Potter,

How touching. I'm sure that you are very concerned with my innocence. You did always have that god awful Gryffindor complex, needing to save everyone and whatnot.

Has it ever crossed your simple mind that I don't need saving? That I don't want it? Of course not. You only think of what suits YOU. You feel guilty, and you needed to find a way to relieve that guilt. I just happen to be there for you. I'm just something to focus on, something to distract you from your problems.

And that, Mr. Potter, is why Voldemort is still able to get to you, even after his death. You push away your feelings, and distract yourself constantly. You'd do anything to avoid dealing with the root of the problem.

So much for your supposed Gryffindor bravery. You're running away, and there is nothing I can do to help with that.

I'm so glad you think it's appropriate to vent your feelings to "your dead Potions professor."

I'm simply enthralled with your life. Please, do go on about the wretched students you call "friends". I'd love to hear more. You were right about one thing though, I am horrified to know you're in charge of rebuilding the Potions section of Hogwarts. What a horror. I think my worst dreams are coming true.


Severus Snape

He shoved the letter into a desk drawer after the ink had dried, knowing full well that the letter would never be sent.

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