Chapter Four

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Dear Severus Snape,

Draco and I finished the Potions lab today. It looks nearly identical to the old one. I wonder if you'd approve.

I was thinking about the time Remus showed us a boggart in Defense against the Dark Arts. Everyone laughed when Neville's boggart was you. He said the 'Riddikulus' spell, and imagined you wearing his grandmothers clothes. It was quite amusing, really. I always made fun of Neville for having you as his worst fear.

Until today.

I was starting to rebuild the Potions storage room. I ran into the boggart you kept there, to protect the Potions and ingredients. I didn't realize it was a boggart, not at first. It was you, bleeding out on the ground, telling me it was my fault you were dead.

Draco stepped in and vanished the boggart, then took me to lunch. I never expected Draco of all people to try to comfort me. I thought he would mock me. But he didn't. He told me about his boggart, and bought me lunch. Maybe he is a friend, and not just a civil acquaintance.

I wonder what your boggart was? Probably nothing as silly as a dead man taunting you. Maybe someday I'll find out.


Harry Potter


Severus Snape stared at the parchment in front of him with a look that could be described as a mixture of disgust and horror.

The longer he stared at the words in front of him, the more disgusted he became.

He wasn't sure if he was disgusted with Potter or with himself. What do you say to someone who just admitted that you're their worst fear?

His breathing was uneven, and he tried to take deep breaths. He tried to relax, to no avail. He shouldn't be this affected. It was just Potter.

But that was the thing, wasn't it? It wasn't just Potter.

No, Longbottom didn't bother him. In fact, it rather amused him.

But Potter? He had faced The Dark Lord. Death. A basilisk. Nearly everyone he loved dying.

Yet his worst fear was him.

The words in front of him blurred, his vision went red.

"You absolute brat." He hissed. "Me? Me? I did nothing but try to protect you! You hated me, and I despised you. That's just how it was! I didn't even die, you idiotic child!"

It briefly occurred to him that he might very well be going insane. Here he was, absolutely seething, yelling at a piece of parchment.

Grabbing his inkwell so quickly it almost spilled, he began to angrily scribble a response.

Dear Mr. Potter,

Have you lost your mind? All logic? You have faced the most powerful wizard in history, yet your worst fear is me?

Potter, I have always told you that you're not good enough. Why would my opinion matter now?

And for Merlin's sake Potter, I don't need to hear about how Malfoy is going soft. It's revolting. As for your work on the Potions lab, you're right. I'm sure I'd be appalled.

You asked what my boggart was. That's a rather personal question, but I suppose you'll never read this anyhow. I don't know why I'm wasting my precious time writing you a response. I feel like an idiotic sentimental Gryffindor.

My boggart shouldn't be hard to guess, no thanks to your beloved Godfather. And before you ask, no. I don't hold a grudge against Lupin. But your father? Your Godfather? They were very nearly murderers.


Severus Snape

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