Chapter Seven

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Dear Severus Snape,

I have good news! Ron and Hermione got engaged today. I'm so happy for them. Ron even asked me to be his best man.

I went to visit Teddy today, and Draco came with me. I think he secretly really likes Teddy, though he'd never admit it. I was happy to see him and Andromeda getting along.

I found out that Draco was opening a Potions shop today. I can't believe he didn't tell me sooner! I'm sure you'd be very proud of him.

Anyway, visiting Teddy today got me thinking. Why did no one ever visit me as a child? Dumbledore had to have known that I wasn't in the best conditions. Why didn't he help me? Why didn't Remus ever visit me? He was one of my dads best friends, yet he never came to see me. Not once.

Everyone was just content to sit back at let me live with those terrible people.

My Aunt and Uncle made me sleep in a cupboard under the stairs. They regularly starved me, and made me do chores. I don't tell very many people about them. I don't want people to pity me. I know you think I grew up living a privileged, spoiled life, but I really didn't. In fact, casting a patronus was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, simply because it was so hard to think of a happy memory.

I wonder what your childhood was like. Where you happy as a child? You never seemed very happy as an adult.


Harry Potter


A cupboard. The boy had lived in a cupboard. And Dumbledore had let him. For years.

How could he had have allowed that? He had just placed their only hope of winning the war in the hands of abusive Monsters.

And he made it sound like everything had been okay. The boy could barely cast a patronus for Merlins sake! How was that okay?

He began to scratch his response down. It was at first sarcastic, but it slowly turned sincere, almost..... sympathetic. No, no. He was not feeling sympathy. Not towards Potter.

Dear Mr. Potter,

Im oh so glad to hear about your stuck up Gryffindor friends. How delightful. Make sure they save me a seat at the wedding, I'll surely be there.

I am being sincere though, when I say I'm glad to hear about Draco. I was truly worried about what would happen to him after the war. I believe a Potions shop is a wonderful idea. He'll do well.

Potter, perhaps I owe you an apology. I will not apologize for my comments about you being a dimwit, for those types of comments are true. But I will admit, I was wrong about your living conditions. I had no idea you were forced to live with those putrid muggles. However, that is no excuse for your actions, or your lack of logic or knowledge. I can say, however, that no one ever visited you because no one was aware you were in such conditions.

My childhood.... it was.... less than pleasant to say the least. Let's just say that I may be able to relate to some parts of your childhood. That is all I wish to say. That is all I will ever say. Even though you'll never get this letter.


Severus Snape


Dear Severus Snape,

I sent you a howler today. Im not exactly sure why. I was angry. I needed to vent. I'm still not sure if I'm angry at you or myself.

Why did you have to die? Sure, you made my life living hell at times, but life would be easier if you were alive. If you were alive, I could still hate you. If you were alive, I wouldn't have to try and convince the world that you're not a traitor. Sure, I'd defend you in court. But I wouldn't have to fight. Not like this. You could fight for yourself.

I brewed a potion today. It was simple. Nothing impressive. Nothing to be proud of. But it was a start.

I'm beginning to wish I paid more attention in class. I want to learn more now, but it's too late. Not that you'd teach me anyways, even if you were still alive.

Please tell me you're still alive.



Harry Potter


Snape's face was pale. Much paler than usual, as he stared at the screaming red envelope in his hands. He refused to let even a hint of an emotion grace his face, even if he was alone. It was a habit, not letting emotions show.

He felt sick as he listened to Harry screaming.

"You had the anti venom, you bastard! You could have lived! How did you not predict that something like this would happen! You're gone now, and you can't ever come back! How do you think Draco feels? What about McGonagall? What about ME? I miss you, you idiot!"

The screaming turned into sobs.

"I miss you..."

Snape closed his eyes, the envelope in his hands fluttering to the ground.


It shouldn't hurt to hear his voice.  He hated Potter's voice. He should feel disdain. Not.... whatever it was he was feeling.

He collapsed into the chair next to him.

Dear Potter,

You sent me a Howler today. I cannot say that I fully understand why. I do not believe that you truly miss me. I believe that you miss the idea of me.


Severus Snape

Dear Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now