Chapter Two

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Dear Severus Snape,

The strangest thing happened today. Draco came to Hogwarts to fill his community service sentence, and we were actually civil towards each other. We went to a muggle cafe, and talked about the past. We agreed to be friends, and are now working together to rebuild the potion wing.

I went out with Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna tonight. It feels like ages since the last time we talked. It was actually pretty nice. I'm glad Ron is doing better. I was worried about him. I still worry about George and Mrs. Weasley, though.

I realized today that I don't want to be an Auror anymore. I'm sick of fighting, sick of protecting people. I'm done. I've decided to take up a career in Potions.  Yes, I can see you laughing right now.

"Harry Potter? Working with Potions?"

A ridiculous notion, I know. But I'm interested in the subject now, for whatever reason, and I wish to learn more. I'm sure that you're turning over in your grave right now, wherever that may be.

I hope that you've moved on to the next great adventure, and I hope you're enjoying it immensely. (I channeled my inner Dumbledore for that one, aren't  you proud?)


Harry Potter

Of course Potter wouldn't just send one letter. No, he had to treat him like he was some kind of diary. Really, out of all the people to write to, why him? Why not Dumbledore, or Lupin, or Black? Even his parents, for Merlins sake. Why him.

"This is Karma for being a bad person." A small voice whispered in his mind.

"Shut up." He muttered, running a hand over his tired face.

How was he supposed to do this? He didn't know how to deal with things like this.

What did Potter expect to get from this? He clearly didn't expect a response back. Potter had no suspicions about him being alive, so what did he want?

Snape eyed the letter again.

And Potter wanted to work with Potions! What a disaster. The war must have messed him up even more than he had thought. He was clearly suffering from some sort of brain injury.

This really was ridiculous. He shouldn't feel the need to write something back. He didn't owe Potter anything.

Yet his hand was shaking slightly, and didn't stop until he started writing a response. Once again, he cursed Potter. He was supposed to be starting a new life! Not dealing with an emotional wreck of a teenager.

But despite his annoyance, he wrote back anyway.

Dear Mr. Potter,

I am simply appalled. I'm not sure there's much more to say about the situation.

Why you have the desire to write about Gryffindor pub night is beyond me. Of course, I am so very relieved to hear that Mr. Weasley is doing well. How splendid. Just what I needed to hear. What a shame you had to bring up Mr. Longbottom, though. The very thought of him makes me ill.

Also, if I may quote you,

"Harry Potter? Working with Potions? A ridiculous notion."

I believe that I have nothing left to add to that statement, other than the fact that you working with Potions would be atrocious. But please, feel free to prove me wrong.

And Potter, if you believe that I'd be proud of you for quoting Dumbledore, you'd be quite wrong. Dumbledore was nothing more than an old fool who nearly got you killed.


Severus Snape

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