Chapter Three

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Dear Severus Snape,

I broke up with Ginny today.

That's all I can think about. I feel so guilty. I don't know when I stopped loving her. All I know is that I couldn't keep pretending I loved her. I'm worried Ron will  be furious. He expected us to get married, so we could be the perfect family. He expected us to live happily ever after, just like everyone else.

Why do people get mad when I ruin their visions of what they think my life should be? Everyone wanted me to marry Ginny, have tons of kids, become an Auror, and save the world. I don't want that. Why don't they want something that will make me happy?

Would it really be so bad to just sit in a house, in the middle of nowhere, all alone, and just read?  I could study Potions, spells, whatever I wanted. I could get better at cooking, or maybe something stupid, like whittling wood.

I hope wherever you are, you're happy. I hope you're able to do what you want, even if that means doing nothing. I'm sorry I've made no progress with clearing your name lately. Don't worry, I haven't given up.


Harry Potter


Snape barely resisted the urge to cast "Deletrius" at the parchment in front of him.

It would be so satisfying to see the letter disintegrate under his wand. Yet something stopped him.

He scowled and rolled his eyes.

Of course Potter would write about the Weasley's.

He had always cared so much for them in his lifetime, or so Potter appeared to think.

Snape read on through the letter, and barely managed to avoid flinching. He would never admit it, but part of the letter reminded him of himself.

Being alone, Potter had said. Doing nothing besides reading and working on Potions. That was something he had always wanted, especially when he was younger. But now that he had it, he wasn't so sure that was what he wanted anymore.

It was best not to dwell on those thoughts though.

Numbly, automatically, he wrote a response back. Of course, he would never send it back, but something about the action made him feel better.

He hated it.

Dear Mr. Potter,

How heartbreaking. I'm so glad you think that I enjoy spending my free time reading about teenage angst. Whatever will you ever do, not having a girlfriend? Such a shame, my heart really goes out to you. How you must be suffering.

I have to applaud you, though. I never thought that you'd have the guts to do something other than become an Auror.  You would have been a pretty terrible one anyway, I have to say.

You said that you wish I am "Happy wherever I am." Yet you continue to send me letters filled with utter nonsense. Honestly, even after my "death" you continue to wear my patience thin. And to think, this is "Harry Potter, savior of the wizarding world!"

If only the world knew.


Severus Snape

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