Chapter Eleven

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Note: Ahhh I'm so sorry I took so long to update! So this is kind of the last chapter, depending on what you want. This chapter has a happy ending, and the next one will have kind of a sad one. So if you want, you can just pretend that this chapter is the last one. Hope you like it! Thanks for reading!

***Three years later***

It had been a number of months since Harry had bothered to go into the cupboard under the stairs. His hands shook slightly as he stared at the small door in front of him, though he knew that his fears were irrational. There was nothing to be afraid of.

Snape had turned it into somewhat of a secret getaway. It was filled with sparking lights and vibrant colors, and was roughly triple its original size. It was a safe place they could go if they were ever in danger, or if life simply got too overwhelming.

Harry was grateful for all the work that Snape had put into it, along with the rest of the house, but he still found it difficult to enter the small space. He didn't have much of a choice anymore though, because Teddy insisted that they make it his special clubhouse. Harry knew that he couldn't deny his godson forever. He knew that he'd eventually give in.

So with trembling hands, he slowly knelt to the floor, and opened the tiny white door. It creaked open loudly, and with one last deep breath, he began to crawl in.

With a wave of his wand, he turned on the fairy lights hanging from the ceiling. They slowly flickered on, and illuminated the small space in a soft glow. Harry quickly glanced around him, making sure that the space was clean and safe for Teddy.

He was just about the leave small room, when a rather large box in the corner of the cupboard caught his attention. He cautiously crawled towards the box, and gently lifted the lid off of it.

Harry squinted as he examined the contents of the box in front of him. It was filled with parchment, all of which contained Snape's handwriting. He carefully took out a piece of parchment from the box, and let out a quiet gasp when he realized that it was a letter addressed to him. It was an older letter, dated over three years ago.

His eyes quickly scanned the letter in front of him, and after a moment, he set it aside. He stared blankly at the box of letters in front of him, not quite processing what was happening.

There were hundreds of them. Hundreds of letters, all addressed to him.

He shifted so his legs were underneath him, then leaned against the wall behind him. He silently cast a locking spell at the cupboard door, and began to shift through the pile of letters in front of him.

It was going to be a long night.


Two hours later, Harry pulled the last letter out of the box.

Dear Harry,

Some days I look at you, and all I can think about is our past. All I can think about is the war, the arguments, the countless nights stayed up brewing potions. It's not most people's idea of the perfect love story. It's not what I ever imagined for my future, and it's probably not what you ever imagined for yours. But here we are.

We have a bond, Harry. A bond so strong that I can feel your emotions, and you can feel mine. And maybe I'm crazy, but part of me wants more.

You've changed my life, Harry, and now it's my turn to change yours. So that's why I'm
asking you;

Will you Marry me?


Severus Snape

The letter fell out of Harry's hands as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. Was this real? Surely this couldn't really be happening. Severus would never ask him something like that, right?

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